Wednesday 11 February 2009

of jason dinant eats his way to a six-pack with 16 eggs a day

Eating his way to a six-pack with 16 eggs a day: Jason Dinant wanted a six-pack and so he revamps his diet to consume 1 ¼ pound of meat and 16 eggs everyday.

Jason Dinant does 150 crunches daily and eats lean protein in an effort to turn his flat stomach into a six-pack.
Every day, Jason Dinant chows down 16 hard-boiled egg whites, one and a quarter pound of meat and four cups of vegetables, sprinkled with an occasional carbohydrate. The lean protein and carbohydrates, he hopes, will help him get six-pack abs.

Two months ago, the 27-year-old began crunching initially 500 times a day and exercising to try to turn his flat stomach into a rippling six-pack.

His New Year's resolution is to get a six-pack by June, in time for his 10-year high school reunion, and to have a toned upper body for his video blog. Dinant, an iReport contributor, often peels off his shirt and gives what he calls "the naked truth about today's news" in Web videos he posts on his blog called "Naked Boy News."
The former junk-food aficionado had to give up his chocolates and hard candies for grilled chicken breasts, red potatoes, brown rice and steamed carrots and zucchini.
Everything is natural. There is no processed food, no junk stuff. People think that's crazy. They say, 'You're on a crazy diet. Why are you starving yourself?' People think eating healthy is starving yourself, which I don't get.
What Jason Dinant eats
Dinant's six-pack diet
Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 servings of cream of rice
Meal 2: 5 ounces lean meat or fish, 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup veggies
Meal 3: 5 ounces lean meat, 1 cup rice, 1 cup veggies
Meal 4: 5 ounces lean meat or fish, 6-ounce potato or sweet potato, 1 cup veggies
Meal 5: 5 ounces lean meat, 1 cup veggies, 6-ounce potato
Meal 6: 8 egg whites, 1 serving of cream of rice

Total calories: 2,054

Dinant, 27, appears in January when he set his goal to shape up his abs by June in time for a class reunion.

Click here for Jason Dinant's Naked Boy News blog.
Click here for Jason Dinant's YouTube page.

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