Wednesday 17 February 2010

of chinese woman to have surgery to look like jessica alba in desperate bid to win back her ex-boyfriend

Chinese woman to have surgery to look like Jessica Alba in desperate bid to win back her ex-boyfriend: A Chinese woman, by the name of Xiaoqing, is seeking plastic surgery to look like Jessica Alba in an attempt to win back her boyfriend.

A Chinese woman whose boyfriend insisted she wore her make-up like actress Jessica Alba is now planning the drastic step of changing her entire face to look like the Hollywood star. Desperate to win back her obsessed boyfriend, who had insisted she wore a blonde wig and copy Miss Alba in every way, the 21-year-old woman is prepared to spend a fortune on the very physical make-over. Chinese surgeons say that changing the woman's face so she ends up looking like the Fantastic Four star can be done, but it will be extremely expensive.

However they have revealed that the woman is well off and that 'money is no object as long as the end result is to turn herself into a Jessica lookalike'.

Identifying herself only as Xiaoqing, the woman told the Shanghai Daily that her 28-year-old ex-boyfriend was so obsessed with Miss Alba that he hung photos of her on the walls of his home and carried her image on his mobile phone.

See the video here or at ITN News.

Jessica Alba is upset about Chinese woman's plastic surgery to look like her.

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