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FAST food chain McDonald's lost a lawsuit in Malaysia on Wednesday after an appeals court overruled a decision that its trademark had been infringed by a local restaurant called McCurry.
'Where the learned judge, with respect, erred is to assume that McDonald's had a monopoly in the use of the prefix 'Mc' on a signage or in the conduct of business,' Judge Gopal Sri Ram said, overturning a 2006 ruling in favour of McDonald's.
The McDonald's operation in this Southeast Asian country of 27 million people is run as franchise by prominent businessman Vincent Tan and has 185 outlets, according to the company website (www.mcdonalds.com/my).
McCurry, by contrast, serves Indian fast food from one restaurant in Kuala Lumpur as well Malaysian dishes such as fish head curry and is short for 'Malaysian Chicken Curry', according to the company website (www.mccurryrecipe.com).
Now NBC News' Tiki Barber and his team, including NBC News' Peter Alexander and MSNBC's Tamron Hall, are back at again, finding ordinary people who are unaware they have money coming to them in "You Might Be Rich!" Barber and his team travel from coast to coast and overseas to help return close to $5 million to over a dozen individuals. Especially timely considering today's economy, Dateline was able to bring great news to some individuals in financial trouble. In one case, the NBC News team traveled to Germany to give a former Pennsylvania resident the news he was entitled to over a half million dollars from an inheritance. The story becomes even more extraordinary when our team discovered the recipient was homeless.
Name: Leonard Zhou Anjian
email: leonardz-@hotmail.com
D.O.B: 15.04.87
Employment: Student
Look what your little birds just found using the power of the internet and our well trained queerdar! Fab pictures of Adam Lambert (with boyfriend/exboyfriend? Brad) that we haven’t seen around yet. Now and then any man worth his queer will dress up like jem & the holograms.See more photos here.
small test with sounds[via J-Walk Blog]
sound + light programming: Daito Manabe
LED device programming:Motoi Ishibashi
After training with her father Michael, Miss Ryan has now been given the go-ahead to direct funerals herself.
Her interest in becoming an undertaker began at age 13 when she began helping out at her father's firm, Michael G Ryan and Son Funeral Directors in Newport, South Wales.
I know it's a strange job for a girl of my age but I really enjoy it. People think it's a bit weird of macabre but dealing with dead bodies just doesn't bother me. The most important thing is to care for families at a difficult time. If I'm out with my friends and someone asks me what I do it can go both ways. It can be a real conversation stopper but most people are fascinated and I get asked all sorts of questions. Most people want to know if it's scary - but what is there to be scared of?
She was tall enough - at 5ft 10in - to be the perfect height for a model but what has alarmed health experts is her weight. She weighs only 7st 7lb and has a Body Mass Index of 15.1 - and that, by World Health Organisation standards, means she is malnourished. Her BMI should be between 18.5 and 24.9 to fall into the 'average' category. When the pageant organisers were asked why they had allowed Miss Naumoska to parade before the cameras when her ribs and pelvic bones could be seen protruding alarmingly, an official reply was that her look was all to do with her heritage.
'She's Macedonian,' said one official.
The application still shows up in the App Store search, but upon clicking on the title, an error message appears. Baby Shaker, a game in which the user is invited to silence a baby's cries by violently shaking an iPhone, appeared on the App Store Monday despite Apple's policy of banning "offensive" iPhone applications. Company representatives have still not responded to inquires about how Baby Shaker made it into the App Store in the first place. In the past, Apple has shown no hesitation in rejecting iPhone applications that it felt contained offensive language or objectionable content.
Was mugging (studying) in school during study week as usual and this happened at around 130am.
Is this a NUSSU (student union) 'event' or is it some idiot trying to play the fool... or is it really SPIDEY???? :P See for yourself. Whatever it is, it was cool to relieve some of the stress from us muggers.
Action star Jackie Chan did not only offend the Chinese living in Hong Kong and Taiwan, his "speech of freedom" that drew widespread ire recently also spoke badly about Singaporeans.During a question and answer session at the Boao Forum for Asia, Jackie Chan said,
He had apparently said that Singaporeans have no sense of self-respect.
When I go to Singapore, I realize that chewing gum is not allowed there. Why is this so? I found out later that if (Singaporeans) chew gum, they will dispose of the used gum on tabletops, on chairs, and (they) have no sense of self-respect...When you reach Singapore, you must obey its laws, if you are caught littering, you will go to jail right away.The actor's close friend and publicist however, told Shin Min that Chan's words were misunderstood.
Every time Jackie visits Singapore, he will speak about how nice and clean the country is. He speaks very quickly, and because of this, people might interpret his words in a different way.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) says a tropical storm is the reason for the strong winds which blew into Singapore Wednesday night. A wind speed of up to 83 kilometres per hour was recorded -- the strongest in nearly nine years.Among the damage was a construction crane at a neighbouring building which snapped into two, with most of it dangling precariously from the 30th floor. See photo below.
Residents of private condominium Abelia woke up to find their Ardmore Park neighbourhood, near Shangri La Hotel, behind police lines.Trees were also not spared.
A construction crane at a neighbouring building had snapped into two, with most of it dangling precariously from the 30th floor.
three overweight cops take down one neo-hippie and his very small penis.[via Gawker]
No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think; that it should be between a man and a woman.This led to Perez Hilton calling her a "dumb b**ch" in his blog and the following photo.
I have no regrets about answering [judge Perez Hilton] honestly. He asked me for my opinion and I gave it to him. I have nothing against gay people and I didn't mean to offend anyone in my answer."Read the interview here.
SF gets really weird when it's hot out - WOW!
More pictures of Bukit Lanjan assemblyman and state executive council (exco) member Elizabeth Wong have surfaced just days after she had resumed both posts after a sabbatical. Wong had gone on two-months' leave in February after embarassing pictures of her were sent to selected media outlets by unknown parties earlier that month. The latest pictures, made available on the Internet by people calling themselves "Hard-T", "Lee Kok Liang Sr" and "Lee Kok Liang Jr", merely show Wong sound asleepSee the photos here.
THE National University of Singapore has put up a notice “warning” students of a headless woman ghost in the campus, reported Sin Chew Daily. The signboard was spotted at the front of the university’s Federal Building of its Bukit Timah campus. According to the notice, many people had “bumped” into the ghost in white wandering around the upper quadrant of the building. It also gives information on other spirits. The notice also talks about the sounds of Japanese soldiers marching up and down the corridors and lights being randomly switched on and off.The notice reads,
There is also an elevator at the Zoology Department that operates on its own, which is operated by the ‘resident spirit’. Chairs and tables would be thrown about in classrooms according to students who study late into the night.
Hooked on Internet soccer betting, he would place bets on the Spanish Primera Liga, on as many as nine games a day. He started with $50 bets with his friends and eventually moved on to $1,000 wagers online, using his friends' accounts. When his losses started piling up, those friends introduced him to loansharks to make good on his debts. His father, a company director, and his mother, an administration executive, found out when the loansharks came a-calling.
Aaron Chee Haolun from Raffles Junior College won the top spot and prize money of £100. Ashna Goh Ruo Min from National Junior College emerged the first runner-up, while Kellyann Wee Jiaying of St Andrew's Junior College was the second runner-up.
Officials were waiting Monday for test results to find out why 21 polo horses from a Venezuelan team fell fatally ill before a match at a Florida tournament. One veterinarian said it looked like some kind of poison was to blame.
The horses from the Lechuza Caracas team were being unloaded from their trailers Sunday afternoon when two collapsed and others acted dizzy and disoriented, according to the International Polo Club Palm Beach. Seven horses died at the scene and the rest while being treated elsewhere or en route to medical care.
Two "Star Wars" fans had more in common than an undying passion for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. They had the same type of kidney – and when a man needed an organ to replace the one he would lose to cancer, his fellow stormtrooper came to his rescue. Things were looking dark for Jeff Romanoff, a 41-year-old cop from Philly and diehard "Star Wars" fan who developed a genetic condition that caused kidney cancer, according to The New York Post. Romanoff lost one kidney and the other was failing; a transplant was his only hope for survival. With Darth Vader knocking on his door, Romanoff posted a bulletin on the Web site of his beloved stormtroopers fan club – and one of his Imperial comrades delivered.Donor Eric Seemann told The Post,
At that time, I didn't know he was suffering from cancer. They weren't actually asking members of the group to get themselves tested [for compatibility]. But I thought about it. They hadn't asked for it, but I stepped up.
Kristy Lynn Hammonds, 31, of Taylorsville and Michael Anthony Setzer, 32, of Conover are each charged with distributing prohibited foods. Police chief Gary Lafone says it is the same North Carolina statute that forbids any tampering with Halloween candy.
In the video, Setzer is making sandwiches while a giggling Hammonds narrates and urges him to "do it again, do it again" in putting the cheese up his nose. It appears he threw some of the cheese in the garbage but some went on a sandwich.
Setzer says: "This is Michael's special Italian sandwich."
Hammonds says the sandwiches were meant to be delivered soon to customers and that "little did they know that the cheese was in his nose."
Some pics by Steve Shaw for the ad campaign for Yeezy’s Louis Vuitton sneakers.
3 police officers came to school today,to speak about the consequences of theft and others..one of them used vulagarites during his speech in front of the whole school.Are they allowed to do this ?
BANK manager Janssen Ong, 32, applied for a replacement for his damaged Standard Chartered credit card last November. About three weeks later, on 10 Dec, he went online to check his other accounts with the same bank and saw a $4,598 charge on his credit card. He was shocked because he had not even received his new card yet. He then called the bank and gave them a copy of the report.
Mr Ong turned out to be one of four victims of Tan Boon Kwang, 32, who ended up with their credit cards after stealing mail that was going to be delivered. He would lurk at void decks, waiting to catch postmen off-guard as they were sorting their bundles of mail. When their attention was diverted, Tan would walk up quickly and grab a stack of letters, hoping to find something valuable inside. Using this method, the project coordinator stole four credit cards from four victims in December and January, all from Tampines Street 21 and 23. He then used the cards to buy seven laptops worth more than $14,000.
Another day, another asshole-centric ad. Shockingly unappealing piece of public bathroom ambient advertising via Denmark—but it get its point across, I guess. Silk soft TP is made from 100% recycled paper. So Danish ad agency By Far says they put these stickers over toilet paper dispensers in public restrooms around Copenhagen. What they probably did was put it over one dispenser, took some photos, peeled it off, and then ran out cackling like 10-year-olds. They could have at least waxed and bleached that anus, thoughThe ad,
I am so sunburned and need help! I'm in Mexico and I was sunbathing when I fell asleep with my huge Prada butterfly sunglasses on and now look at me! I'm going to have to hide from cameras for days. I usually never get red, I always get dark. It hurts! Do u guys have any remedies I can try to help ease the pain and get rid of the redness?
Everyone here is making fun of me! Look at Reggie's teammate and friend Bobby starting with the jokes. My whole body is burned but my face looks the worst because of the glasses. I will never wear sunglasses when sunbathing again!
The Stockholm district court has today found guilty the four individuals that were charged with accessory to breaching copyright laws," the court said in a statement. "The court has sentenced each of them to one year in prison. Companies including Warner Bros., MGM, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Fox Films, Sony BMG, Universal and EMI were also asking for damages of more than 100 million crowns ($12 million) to cover lost revenues.The men linked to The Pirate Bay -- Peter Sunde, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neij and Carl Lundstrom -- were charged early last year by a Swedish prosecutor with conspiracy to break copyright law and related offences.
The court also ordered the defendants to pay just over 30 million Swedish crowns ($3.58 million).
Mr Lin alleged that he was A-mei's former classmate back in Taidong, a city in the Eastern part of Taiwan. He said that they married without throwing a wedding dinner...During the interview, Mr Lin said that his daughter was born in 1994. If she - and the marriage - really existed, the daughter would be at most 15 this year, not 18, continued the report...A-mei, who was once banned from visiting Mainland China, is currently dating basketball star He Shou Zheng.
The best government is one that governs least" is the kind of quote that puts a frown on the faces of Singaporean lawmakers. While Singapore has enjoyed stable economic growth for decades now, its people and culture have not progressed forward. Prolonged periods of tight government control on all aspects of life have created an atmosphere of workaholism because there is simply nothing else to do. The purposes of this group are to raise awareness for people from everywhere in the world about the current state of Singapore and for members to vent their frustration.It goes on to put up a disclaimer which says
It is believed among many forward-thinking Singaporeans that their control-freak government has hindered creativity and cultural progress. For that Singapore needs a liberal government... and for that to happen Singaporeans have to change and have to start asking for a change.
This group exists to critique the policies of Singapore's government, especially the PAP, and to spread awareness of the plight of Singaporeans. It does not intend to attack the citizens of Singapore, and any aspects of the group that could be construed as threatening, such as the group picture, are strictly tongue-in-cheek.Click here to see the Facebook site.
The 45-year-old MWO Jegathesan was taking part in the SAF Commanders' Sports Day where various cohesion activities were organised. He was the Chief Warrant Officer of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Air Combat Command's transport group.
The bank takes pride in the fact that many DBS employees pursue their interests and passion outside work, and are involved with various community/ charity/volunteer organisations in their personal capacity.Also read "DBS tells why it rebuked Josie Lau".
These employees had sought and obtained prior approval to do so, in accordance with the bank's staff code of conduct. Approval is granted on a case-by-case basis, depending on the demands of the proposed external appointment as well as the job responsibilities that the individual holds in the bank.
Josie informed the bank of her appointment as Aware Exco member on April 13, over two weeks after she was appointed on March 28. She had not sought prior approval for this appointment and thereby breached the staff code of conduct. Nevertheless, DBS made a concession and agreed to support her involvement as Exco member.
With their flowing blonde hair, hourglass figures and slender, toned legs, they could easily pass for twins. Both look fabulous in their matching polka dot dresses and, as Janet and Jane Cunliffe happily recount, potential boyfriends often struggle to tell them apart.
Hardly surprising, as both weigh in at 8st and, save for a couple of inches in height (at 5ft 6in, Jane is two inches taller) and different eye colours (Jane's are brown, Janet's are blue) they are virtually identical.
Waltz has worked at hot spots all over LA, including Les Deux and Italian restaurant Bell, as she tries to reach her goal of becoming an actress.
Of the new couple, a source says, “They’ve been together for a few months.”
After hosting “American Idol” last week, Seacrest took Waltz to Paris for a weekend and the two looked quite comfortable together.
And it appears that Seacrest’s mom will be happy very now that Ryan has a girl, as she recently said that she wishes her son had more time to date. “That would be wonderful for him and we’d stand a better chance for him to have a relationship.”