perhaps the craziest thing going down in games these days is fashion -- specifically women's fashion. It's hard enough to find a decent female video game character. When you do find them, they're often sporting skin-tight jumpsuits and enough cleavage to smoother a small child. Strip those digital ladies down to their undies and the situation gets even worse. Here then is a list of the top 10 most ridiculous undergarments ever worn by women in video games. Ladies, don't try these on at home -- even while sitting in your living room playing video games. Things could get dangerous.

From left: Undies for outer space adventure in Metroid. A push-up so effective it raises the dead in Silent Hill. Gravity defying tube tops in Age of Conan.

From left: The string bikinis of Dead or Alive, Lara Croft goes commando in Tomb Raider. A metal thong in The Prince of Persia.
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