HER eyes gleam for a moment under her dark lashes and her voice hardens. Valentane Huang says she doesn't care what people think, and it's difficult not to believe her.
While others may be more circumspect, the 25-year-old Miss Singapore World 2008 finalist coolly reveals that she has had 50 boyfriends. She has been dating for just over 10years, since she was 14.

She has been dating for just over 10years, since she was 14. Valentane said,
'That's just five in a year - about one every two months - not too much. I'm not saying I'm a virgin. I'm just saying I did not have sex with most of them.Her record is five boyfriends at the same time - but she said it was just 'dating' and all five were aware she was not 'exclusive'.
Click here for the Miss Singapore World 2008 contestant page.

Photo taken from Valentane's Facebook
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