Thursday, 10 January 2008
of air canada passengers hurt in turbulence
Air Canada passengers hurt in turbulence: An Air Canada jetliner made an emergency landing in Calgary on Thursday after 10 people were injured when the Airbus A319 hit turbulence during a cross-country flight.
of knickerpicker (nsfw)
[via CodeWolf]
of britney spears semi-nude pics go for $57000
And here's what we're told about the "semi-nude" photos: there are shots of Britney wearing just a t-shirt -- we guess it's the night she was with him on the balcony, sharing the lollipop and she was wearing a t-shirt with no pants and a jacket.Click here and here to read the posts at TMZ and Perez Hilton.
[via TMZ]
of star wars guide to candidates
Star Wars Guide to the Candidates: There is Darth McCain, Mitt Skywalker, Princess Leia Orbama, Obi-ron Paul-obi and many more.-

J'han Solo
J'han Solo
of star wars in soul calibur iv
Click here to watch the first trailer.
of tgif video - 11.01.08
Mark moved in early morning on 7th January and will live in the store through till 12th January.
Click here to visit the official Mark Lives in IKEA website to watch the videos taken during Mark's stay.
of tata nano - 'world's cheapest car' unveiled by tata motors
Ratan Tata, head of the manufacturing conglomerate, dismissed suggestions that environmental performance or safety had been sacrificed in a bid to cut costs.
Even cars can go nano.
What is funny is the name "Tata Motors".
Bye Bye Motors.
of holy crap, did bill gates just say windows sucks?
[via Gizmodo]
of mommy, why is there a server in the house?
of newsgator’s rss clients are now free!
[via Greg Reinacker’s Weblog]
of top stories
- Pentagon Won't Probe KBR Jamie Leigh Jones Rape Charges
- McDonald’s boss: ‘Games to blame for childhood obesity’
- Comcast could receive hefty FCC fine for throttling Bit Torrent traffic
- Police: Teacher Beth Ann Chester admits to sex with student
- 6 caught hanging anti-Bush banners
- Why 10 is too young for your first Brazilian Wax
- 1980s big leaguers pushed aside for Steroid Era numbers
- Report reveals Vietnam War hoaxes, faked attacks
- Man sees 'mark,' cuts off hand
- 'Meanest Mom on Planet' Sells Teen Son's Car After Finding Booze Under Seat
- Bush calls Iran 'threat to world peace'
- Johnny Depp Sings
- Will Smith boosting Scientology
- Fox News: We Report -- Even if We Know It's False
- Hollywood "mayor" Johnny Grant dies at 84
- Apple to Standardize iTunes Music Prices Throughout Europe
- McDonald’s boss: ‘Games to blame for childhood obesity’
- Comcast could receive hefty FCC fine for throttling Bit Torrent traffic
- Police: Teacher Beth Ann Chester admits to sex with student
- 6 caught hanging anti-Bush banners
- Why 10 is too young for your first Brazilian Wax
- 1980s big leaguers pushed aside for Steroid Era numbers
- Report reveals Vietnam War hoaxes, faked attacks
- Man sees 'mark,' cuts off hand
- 'Meanest Mom on Planet' Sells Teen Son's Car After Finding Booze Under Seat
- Bush calls Iran 'threat to world peace'
- Johnny Depp Sings
- Will Smith boosting Scientology
- Fox News: We Report -- Even if We Know It's False
- Hollywood "mayor" Johnny Grant dies at 84
- Apple to Standardize iTunes Music Prices Throughout Europe
of toolbox - 10.01.08
- Better Caring: Bettercaring is a dedicated service for anyone who needs answers to crucial questions about care for themselves or their loved ones.
- FlyTunes: FlyTunes is a new kind of music service that is designed for today's highly integrated WiFi and 3G capable cell phones and media players, such as the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch.
- Yahoo! Media Player
- NetNewsWire 3.1: RSS Reader for Mac OS X
- FeedDemon 2.6: RSS Reader for Windows
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
of "iron my shirt" man at sen. hillary clinton talk
of how to be gay: male homosexuality and initiation
How to be Gay - Male Homosexuality and Initiation: Check out this course conducted at the University of Michigan which is for its ENGLISH 317 (Literature and Culture) syllabus.
What catches everyone's attention is the title of the course, "How to be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation."
The University describes the course as:
Click here to read more about the course.
What catches everyone's attention is the title of the course, "How to be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation."
The University describes the course as:
Just because you happen to be a gay man doesn't mean that you don't have to learn how to become one. Gay men do some of that learning on their own, but often we learn how to be gay from others, either because we look to them for instruction or because they simply tell us what they think we need to know, whether we ask for their advice or not.It goes on to say that the course is not a basic introduction to gay male culture, but an exploration of certain issues arising from it. It assumes some background knowledge. Students wishing to inform themselves about gay men and gay culture in a preliminary way should enroll in an introductory course in lesbian/gay studies..
Click here to read more about the course.
of ur so gay
Moey has the lyrics to the song.
Click here for the official Katy Perry official website.
Click here and here for Katy's MySpace page and Flickr page.
[via PopWatch]
of olga kurylenko, not gemma arterton, is the new bond girl
of fellowship of the ring - hd vs dvd comparison
of stuff n such - 10.01.08
- Trinity United Church of Christ: We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian
- How To Use Indian Toilet
- Cosmetic Surgery Before and After [via CodeWolf]
- GodTube Named August’s Fastest Growing Site [via CodeWolf]
- MonsterHoodies
Esplanande Outdoor Performance [via Swaroop C H]
of eminem hospitalized
Eminem 's publicist told TMZ
Over the holidays, Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem, was under doctor's care at a Detroit-area hospital for complications due to pneumonia. He has since been released and is doing well recovering at home."
of top stories
- Rumour: Fox to include iTunes files with DVDs starting 15th Jan
- Recession in the US 'has arrived'
- Birth leave sought for girls
- Angry White Man: The bigoted past of Ron Paul
- Dartmouth Students Walk Out on Bill
- Moron Arrested After Driving Truck Into House
- Woman who ran over street revelers is sentenced
- Recession in the US 'has arrived'
- Birth leave sought for girls
- Angry White Man: The bigoted past of Ron Paul
- Dartmouth Students Walk Out on Bill
- Moron Arrested After Driving Truck Into House
- Woman who ran over street revelers is sentenced
of kelly tilghman apologizes for 'lynch' remark about tiger woods
On Friday during our golf broadcast, Nick Faldo and I were discussing Tiger's dominance in the golf world and I used some poorly chosen words. I have known Tiger for 12 years and I have apologized directly to him. I also apologize to our viewers who may have been offended by my comments.Click here to watch the video in which Kelly Tilghman made the lynch remarks.
of mexican boy glues self to bed to avoid school
Things that make you go "huh?".
Mexican boy glues self to bed to avoid school: Diego, a 10-year-old Mexican boy, glued his hand to his bed to avoid going back to school. His mother Sandra Palacios was unable to free him and called paramedics and police to help.
Diego said,
Mexican boy glues self to bed to avoid school: Diego, a 10-year-old Mexican boy, glued his hand to his bed to avoid going back to school. His mother Sandra Palacios was unable to free him and called paramedics and police to help.
Diego said,
I thought if I was glued to the bed, they couldn't make me go to school. I didn't want to go, the holidays were so much fun.
of stuff n such - 09.01.08
- Dick-a-Pault: NSFW. Stupid soldier ties rope to dick and antenna.. amazing watch it!
- Dolphin takes out cameraman from 100 feet: A dolphin scores a direct hit during a show nailing the camera man with a ball from over 100 feet.[via VideoSift]
- Bride's wedding cake is a full-size likeness of herself: Chidi Ogbuta has her wedding cake in the likeness of herself.
- Group of friends give girl a horrible hanging wedgie
Speakers' Corner [via webroo]
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
of the decapitator
Here's the alteration done on the High School Musical Poster.
From this...
to this...
Here's the enlarged photo focusing on the alteration made.
Click here to see more photos of The Decapitator's works.
[via The Evil Sign Post]
of sen. hillary clinton chokes up during press conference
Teary Hillary: Senator Clinton gets choked up when asked by a New Hampshire voter "how she does it." The question was so "personal" to Sen. Clinton that becomes teary. -
[via ABC News]
[via ABC News]
of bill gates last full day at microsoft
Click here to go to the CES International 2008 website.
of mayor carmen kontur-gronquist racy photos
Click here for Carmen Kontur-Gronquist MySpace page.
- Mayor Carmen Kontur-Gronquist Lingerie MySpace Photo Online!
- Mayor Carmen Kontur-Gronquist Racy Photos
- Mayor Carmen Kontur-Gronquist Racy MySpace Pics
[via The Post Chronicle]
of naughty news blooper
of cool gizmo - 08.01.08
- Love Mattress: [via Gizmodo]
- The Air Car: A car, developed by Moteur Development International, that can run on compressed air. Click here to watch the video of the Air Car in action.
- HP Oak: HSDPA 7.2, QWERTY keyboard, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth...
- Alienware Curved Monitor Looks Like It's From Another Planet
- Mitsubishi Laser TV's Colors Look Even Juicier Than the Girls on the Set
of toolbox - 08.01.08
- Shoutback: The easy way to raise funds for your cause and connect with your group.
- 110 Photo-Related Sites
- Polar Bear Farm ShowTime: Polar Bear Farm’s ShowTime application brings video recording to the iPhone. Click here to watch the video.
- Hotspot Shield: Free, reliable Wi-Fi security.
of huang chuncai - chinese guy with huge facial tumors
Chuncai underwent his second operation on 3rd January to remove his facial tumours which currently weigh around 10kg (22lbs), at a hospital in Guangzhou. This was a follow-up from the first operation he had last July.
Click here for to watch the news video recorded last year.
Chuncai's facial tumour first became noticeable when he was just 4 years old, the hospital said in July. Since then it grew larger at an ever faster rate, blocking his left eye, pushing his left ear to shoulder level, knocking out his teeth and deforming his backbone.
Chuncai resting before the operation
Other links:
- A Mans Life of Pain
- Update: Chinese guy with huge facial tumors still has more surgeries
- Man undergoes surgery for facial tumors
- Your brother's hot
- Huang Chuncai survives record tumour surgery (video)
- Breakthrough Surgery For Tumour Victim (video)
of gemma arterton cast as new "bond girl"
of stuff n such - 08.01.08
- Porn, Ning, and the Internet: There's been a recent flurry of commentary about Ning and porn.
- David Lynch on iPhone: David Lynch talks about watching video on a farking telephone. Says get real!
- Reebok Kool Aid Pack: Reebok is set to release a "Kool Aid" pack. So far, we have a big picture of Six different Reebok x Kool Aid sneakers. Out in June 2008. Click here for the video of the shoes that was secretly taken.
- The Three Laws Of Robotics: Robots couldn’t really give a f@ck if you live or die. Robots do not want to have s3x with you.
Nice Cab [via j-chen]
of thin macbook laptop concept images
of top stories
- Sri Lankan minister killed in attack (D.M. Dassanayake)
- Golden Globes ceremony scrapped
- Japanese make-up guru Shu Uemura dies at 79
- Man dismembered, parts flushed in toilet
- Talk of Hillary Exit Engulfs Campaigns
- Jeremy Clarkson lost money after publishing bank details in newspaper column
- U.S. says Iranian boats harassed warships
- 2 F-18 Crashed in Persian Gulf
- Golden Globes ceremony scrapped
- Japanese make-up guru Shu Uemura dies at 79
- Man dismembered, parts flushed in toilet
- Talk of Hillary Exit Engulfs Campaigns
- Jeremy Clarkson lost money after publishing bank details in newspaper column
- U.S. says Iranian boats harassed warships
- 2 F-18 Crashed in Persian Gulf
Monday, 7 January 2008
of zuda comics
If you're good in comics, submit your stuff at
[via Comic News International]
of modify your car to travel 95 miles per gallon. this guy did it.
Click here to read another article on the Aerocivic.
[via Wired]
of deaf porn gives viewers an eye-opener
Click here to go to Deaf Gone Wild (NSFW), a Deaf Bunny affiliated site.
Click here to go to Deaf Bunny YouTube page.
[via Jezebel]
of my fake baby - these babies are not real but they look very real
These "engineered" babies or "reborns", a creation of Jaime Eaton, can have beating hearts, tiny veins and even milk spots. Click here to read more at Babybuntins Nursery.
Click here to watch some parts of the documentary.
[via Midnight Celebrity]
of etiquette training. learning to be a stewardess
Not easy.
A girl fails to maintain a crouching posture as students go through etiquette training at a vocational school in Beijing
of how techmeme homepage changes over time
How Techmeme Homepage Changes Over Time: It’s amazing to see how blog stories make it to the Techmeme homepage, stay there for a couple of minutes (or hours) and then get replaced by fresh news.
This Techmeme video clip captures 50 hours of Techmeme activity and replays it in 50 seconds. So you get a good idea about how the Techmeme homepage changes over a period of time.
This Techmeme video clip captures 50 hours of Techmeme activity and replays it in 50 seconds. So you get a good idea about how the Techmeme homepage changes over a period of time.
of japanese bug fights
Rules of Japanese Bug Fights:
1. Two Bugs to a fight
2. Bug fights go on as long as they have to
3. No outside weapons in Bug Fights
of top stories
- For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets
- Slain Lewisville sisters mourned at Christian, Muslim services
- Forget oil, the new global crisis is food
- UK living standards outstrip US
- Israel to brief George Bush on options for Iran strike
- The Republican Debate in New Hampshire (Transcript)
- Musharraf queries how Bhutto died
- José Luiz Pacheco (7th May 1925 — 5th January 2008)
- Sony BMG to drop copy protection for downloads
- Angry Indians suspend their tour
- Slain Lewisville sisters mourned at Christian, Muslim services
- Forget oil, the new global crisis is food
- UK living standards outstrip US
- Israel to brief George Bush on options for Iran strike
- The Republican Debate in New Hampshire (Transcript)
- Musharraf queries how Bhutto died
- José Luiz Pacheco (7th May 1925 — 5th January 2008)
- Sony BMG to drop copy protection for downloads
- Angry Indians suspend their tour
of wikia search
Wikia is working to develop and popularize a freely licensed (open source) search engine. What you see here is our first alpha release. We are aware that the quality of the search results is low..Wikia's search engine concept is that of trusted user feedback from a community of users acting together in an open, transparent, public way. Of course, before we start, we have no user feedback data. So the results are pretty bad. But we expect them to improve rapidly in coming weeks, so please bookmark the site and return often.
of the ethics of "stealing" a wifi connection
The ethics of "stealing" a WiFi connection
Network security firm Sophos recently published a study on what it terms WiFi "piggybacking," or logging on to someone's open 802.11b/g/n network without their knowledge or permission. According to the company's study, which was carried out on behalf of The Times, 54 percent of the respondents have gone WiFi freeloading, or as Sophos put it, admitted breaking the law [in the UK].
of stuff n such - 07.01.08
- DanceJam: DanceJam is coming soon and we are looking for talent.
- Bikini Cover-Ups: Pranks and funny gifts.
- Erased: Robert Scoble released another post about the removal of his Facebook account. He points to Rodney Rumford who has the picture of the erasure.
- Google Lodges Patent For Reading Text In Images And Video
No Durians Allowed [via Danny5Mei]
of kungfu elections
Sunday, 6 January 2008
of the most hated company in the pc industry
The Most Hated Company In the PC Industry
Who in the hell is Asustek, and why does Microsoft hate them more than any other company in the industry? Why does Apple, Dell and Palm Computing hate them? And why does Intel love them? Taiwan's Asustek -- better known as ASUS -- is one of the most interesting, innovative and fastest-growing companies in technology.Click here to read more.
of toolbox - 07.01.08
- Free music zilla: the first tool specialized for social music downloading, enables you download free music from IMEEM™,™, Pandora™, Myspace, eSnips™, Mog™, iJigg™,™ and almost all social music services.
- Transmission: A fast, easy, and free multi-platform BitTorrent client with a focus on being lightweight yet feature-filled.
- YouTorrent: The world's first real-time torrent comparison search engine.
- 10 Online Virus & Malware Scanners
of i can have your computer?
Lancerlad: Daddy, is it when you grow old and die, I can have your computer?
I said "yes" and he responded "Yippee!"
I said "yes" and he responded "Yippee!"
of bend over jon
Click here to visit the official site of Bend Over Jon.
[via Arbroath]
of top stories
- Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner
- FAA: Boeing's New 787 May Be Vulnerable to Hacker Attack
- There must be violence against women
- German diplomat expelled by Iran
- Speed demons will meet their match on the piste
- Taylor Hicks, Ruben Studdard dropped from J Records?
- Unlimited Movie Downloads - Even My Grandma Downloads Movies
- FAA: Boeing's New 787 May Be Vulnerable to Hacker Attack
- There must be violence against women
- German diplomat expelled by Iran
- Speed demons will meet their match on the piste
- Taylor Hicks, Ruben Studdard dropped from J Records?
- Unlimited Movie Downloads - Even My Grandma Downloads Movies
of 7th annual no pants day
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
of hoax nuke blast seen on tv weather
The six members of the Prague-based Ztohoven group were charged last month with spreading false information and face up to three years in jail if convicted.
[via Spluch]
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