Thursday, 30 March 2006

of tgif video - 31.03.06

[via Best Ads On TV]

Hands: We all need some care. Advertisement of a product from the Czech Republic. Direct link to video

of pouring ketchup

[via Look At This]

Pouring Ketchup: The full technical explanation of pouring ketchup from the bottle.

of stuff n such - 30.03.06

Kung Fu [via rlynn]

Tuesday, 28 March 2006

of no progress

I just received my Progress Package and I wanted to check the Growth Dividends that the government so kindly has given me. I clicked on the "Growth Dividends" link at the website and waited while the page loaded.

After 1 minute, the page was still "loading".

No progress.

Sunday, 26 March 2006

of stuff n such - 26.03.06

HDB Pram [via joffley]

of hairy situation

[via jllt]

Hairy Situation: This is part of Leukemia Foundation's "The World's Greatest Shave". 4th to 6th May 2006.
The World's Greatest Shave to Care and Cure is one of Australia's biggest fundraising events. 100,000 people across the country pledge to shave or colour their hair each year.

Saturday, 25 March 2006

of the wicked

[via Kein and Nadnut]

The Wicked: Game. Levels currently available: 40. The Wicked is currently unsolved.

of chopsticks tax

[via We Make Money Not Art]

BBC News:China Introduces Chopsticks Tax
The Chinese government is introducing a 5% tax on disposable wooden chopsticks in a bid to preserve its forests.

of fire fox?

[via 7seconden]

Firefox: Is this a new version of Firefox?

Friday, 24 March 2006

of lancerlad kena zapped

Lancerlad kena zapped.

On the way home, the radio started playing the zap zap song. (Video link via Singapore TV Commercials)
Zap, zap, tummy. Zap, zap, tummy...
Zap, zap, butt. Zap, zap, butt...

Lancerlad sang along. Word for word.
Except his was "Zap, zap, bum bum. Zap, zap, bum bum..."

Thursday, 23 March 2006

of tgif video - 24.03.06

[via Spiked Humor]

Computer Game Becomes Real: A video game charecter has had enough of being treated like shit. The next door he kicks down will scare the shit out of the player and spectators.

of puma football

[via J-Walk Blog]

Puma Football: Enter your name, then click on "Your Career". You'll see some nice headlines.

Tuesday, 21 March 2006

of the duel

The Duel: Video. Interesting fight sequence using flip animation.

of stuff n such - 21.03.06

Movie Trailer: Snakes On A Plane starring Samuel L Jackson

Business School Advertisement [via atheistbishop]

Monday, 20 March 2006

of hokkien speeding song

[via VR Forums]

Hokkien Speeding Song: Blast this song when you are driving on the roads.

of diy bottle cap tripod

[via Ben's Bits]

DIY Bottle Cap Tripod: Step-by-step instructions on creating your own camera tripod by Jake Ludington. Inspired by this.

Update: Jake Ludington said (see comments section)
It's more sturdy than you think. An empty bottle would tip easily, but adding water (or using the Pepsi in the bottle) as balast adds a decent counterbalance for fairly large point-and-shoot cameras. I tested it with both the Digital Elph series camera pictured and a much larger G series Canon.

of kids are lovin' it

We were at the shopping centre and we overheard a guy talking to his kid over the phone.

Guy: "Daddy buy sushi for you?"
Guy: "You want sushi?"
Guy: "Japanese sushi?"
Guy: "You want?"
Guy: "Daddy buy you sushi. You want?"
*long pause*
Guy: "Huh? You want Mcdonald's ah!"

Sunday, 19 March 2006

of levitate and lip sync

You have seen these videos in the internet. Here are 2 videos that are done locally.

This video is a guy doing the David Blaine levitation

This video is a group of lads lip syncing. [via Sherman]

Saturday, 18 March 2006

of stuff n such - 19.03.06

Tit-bits [via Adrienne ♥]

Race Day

of it is not what you think it is

[via Gari@Suta-GUTI]

It is not what you think it is.

Click on the photo for the BIG picture.

of transparent butterfly

[via Digg]

Transparent Butterflies: Wow!
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Ithomiinae
Common name: The Glasswing

of library fun

Library Dominoes: This video shows what we can do in a library.

Whereas this link shows what we must not do in a library.

Friday, 17 March 2006

of queenstown?

[via thehumanmarble, _ochre and ambarvalia]
The question is, why in the world is the Queen in TOA PAYOH?!
I mean, shouldn't she be in QUEENSTOWN?


Thursday, 16 March 2006

of tgif video - 17.03.06

David Copperfield Or Chesterfield: Magician or comedian? This is a funny clip by Daniel Chesterfield.

of ball toucher

[via CodeWolf]

Ball Toucher: Game. Touch only the yellow and blue balls.

of "i", shu and one

Lancerlad is starting to recognise alphabets.

Just now he pointed at the taxi sign on top of the cab and he spelt out, "T. A. X. One.".

We had to correct him and told him that is not the number "One" but the letter "I".

When we got home, I tried to make him spell taxi and he said
"T. A. X. .... like Shu4 ().... like one?". He did not say "I".

I should make him see this to show him the difference between the 3.

of stuff n such - 16.03.06

No one owes Singapore a living [via WayneMehod]

Wednesday, 15 March 2006

of keepvid

[via Eugene Wei]

Keepvid: This service allows you to download clips from Youtube, Google and many other video hosts. It is useful for viewing the videos without having to visit the host website.

Monday, 13 March 2006

of headache cannot think

This morning I took a 20 minute ride in a cab. The cab driver was new and he said that seeing so many cars during peak hour gives him a headache.

He prompted me to give him exact directions to my destination because he "cannot think properly. Headache ah. Chia lat!". So along the way, I had to tell him where to go.

For most of the journey, he talked about football and all the matches that were played last night. Arsenal this. Liverpool that. He was sharing all his betting tactics and strategy to me.

I guess it was not the peak hour traffic that was giving him the headache. But "his strategies" that were mapped out in his head.

Sunday, 12 March 2006

of stuff n such - 12.03.06

Song Of The Day: Madonna-Sorry

Obstacles ignored when it comes to sleep [via Mikeleecs]

Race Day

Saturday, 11 March 2006

of bukit batok in technorati

The reason why Bukit Batok is in the top 15 most searched topic in Technorati is because of today's Sunday Times report.

of bite himself

This is Lancerkid with a big bruise on his arm.

He was lying on the mattress alone and playing by himself. We did not know that he was biting his arm. He did not even cry out loud.

This is not the first time that he has "self-inflicted injury".

Thursday, 9 March 2006

of tgif video - 10.03.06

[via Voxefx]

Life Sucks: Commercial from O'reilly's.

of 1 building, 2 addresses

According to, Air View Hotel (formerly known as New Asia Hotel) has 2 addresses.
One of them is at Maxwell Road and the other at Peck Seah Street. Looking at the map, the hotel is located at the junction linking the 2 roads.

of stuff n such - 09.03.06

all very expensive leh! [via Miyagi]

of simmons on whose line

[via thghtlsscmng]

Simmons On Whose Line: This is an old video featuring Richard Simmons on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?". One of the funniest episodes in the series. It is still funny after watching a few times.

Wednesday, 8 March 2006

of sudokuking

Recently bought this handheld Sudoku game called Sudokuking. $9.90 from Carrefour. Sudokuking is good.

I played with it until I became Sudoku King. Too bad it is only for guys. Lancerlady cannot play. She will have to find one that is called Sudokuqueen.

of 2 guitars

2 Guitars: Youtube feature video.

Tuesday, 7 March 2006

of turtle art

Lancerlad's turtle. He drew the shapes on a piece of paper and I cut them out.
Then he pasted them together and coloured them.

of is a newly created toplist website. It comes with web statistic review so you can see the number of viewership for your blog.

Click here to signup

of google gdrive

[via ZDNet]

A file storage service in the pipeline for Google?
The GDrive service will provide anyone (who trusts Google with their data) a universally accessible network share that spans across computers, operating systems and even devices. Users will no longer require third party applications to emulate this behaviour by abusing Gmail storage.

of three 6 mafia

"It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp". An unusual song title to get an Oscar.

Watch Three 6 Mafia's performace at the Oscars here at youtube.

Sunday, 5 March 2006

of lad in the box

It is sometimes scary how Lancerlad plays.

I was surfing the internet and he was behind me playing on the bed. Then he called me. I turned around and he was playing Jack In The Box.

Lancerlad: Daddy! Where am I?

of stuff n such - 05.03.06

Black apples [via shimmertje]

of composite

[via Monster Ru and Thirty Pounces]

Cool things you can do with photos. Take a look at what Monster Ru and Thirty Pounces did with various snapshots taken at Botanic Gardens.

[via Monster Ru]

[via Thirty Pounces]

Saturday, 4 March 2006

of centra

Which GRC does Bukit Merah Centra belong to?

of creative advertisements

Some creative advertisments here, here and here. Get ready. Something big is coming to Marina Square.

Friday, 3 March 2006

of download song and free email

Reading today's Straits Times, I learnt that:

- With the upcoming Next Generation National Broadband Network, it is alright to download songs from the internet.

- Some people still do not know that there are already free email accounts out there. Give out free internet access to all Singaporeans would be a better deal for us.

Thursday, 2 March 2006

of havoc bastards

This is a video of a group called "Havoc Bastards". Singapore's answer to Jackass.

Watch the other videos by Havoc Bastards member, Dil Marc, at Youtube.

of tgif video - 03.03.06

[via Youtube]

I'm Thinking Arby's: Arby's new commercial featuring Hulk Hogan (not in the person but his voice).

of marathon

[via Ebaums World]

Marathon: Cow game. Guide the cow to the trophy.

of stuff n such - 02.03.06

Song Of The Day: Jack Johnson-Better Together

Sexy Pipes [via UsDudes]