Monday, 7 July 2008

of singapore girl is looking for korean boyfriend (with average salary $100k)

No Boyfriend at 25, So What?: Cassie Zheng (Princess ChaiLatTe) is looking for a Korean boyfriend.

princess chailatte boyfriend
People been questioning why am i still single and no dates. Even my Bobbi Brown make up artist popped that question on me.

In the mighty brain of mine was thinking, "What's wrong?"

Indeed, I do not denied that I have very stringent outlines but this is what I am looking for or should I say that's a guideline for me to measure a guy. Everyone has their own ones, I believe I rightfully owns mine.
However, she is looking for a Korean boyfriend.
I still want to have a korean boyfriend :(. So you want to intro?

Some of you out there must be scratching your head now. Why korean man?

Because I want to have korean customary! Wear korean Hanbok! Speak Korean to my korean hubby! and have Mixed Korean Baby! hahahahaha!
And she goes on to list her requirements
Conditions - No old men.
- 27 till 34 anb (best)
- average built
- least 1.76m
- average pay of S$100k per year
- owns his own place in korea
- speaks english
- sweet
- cooks korean food
- no smoking
- no gambling
Click here for Cassie's friendster.

[via HWZ]

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