[via VideoSift]
Drawn With Lines: Cool video of a drawn character who questions his existence on paper.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
of panic in the skyscraper
[via CodeWolf]
Panic In The Skyscraper: Game. Use the ladders to evacuate the people out of the building.

Panic In The Skyscraper: Game. Use the ladders to evacuate the people out of the building.
of airbus 380 evacuation
[via Gadgetopia]
Airbus 380 Evacuation: Video showing the evacuation of 873 passengers and crew on board an Airbus 380 in 77 seconds.
Airbus 380 Evacuation: Video showing the evacuation of 873 passengers and crew on board an Airbus 380 in 77 seconds.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
of stuff n such - 31.05.07
- Drum Stick In Face: Video. Drum stick ricochets into face of boy. Ouch! [via Look At This]
- Calvados: Video. A guy plays a prank on the bartender when paying for his drink. [via Puree Soiree]
- Shijingshan Amusement Park: See the resemblance from this China amusement park. Watch the news report. [via Grow A Brain]
- Flags Of The World By Usage Color: Using a list of countries generated by The World Factbook database, flags of countries fetched from Wikipedia (as of 26th May 2007) are analyzed by a custom made python script to calculate the proportions of colors on each of them. [via Digg]
- Lifesize Car Cake: Photo gallery showing a huge cake. [via Digg]
- Google In 20 Years: What Google may offer in 20 years. Funny. [via Digg]
- YouTube's New Player: Revamp in YouTube's interface with added features. [via Digg]
- Incriminati: Makeup your room. Hide incriminating stuff before your parents come in. [via CodeWolf]
Song Of The Day: Mika - Love Today
iMadShop [via Conradito]
of microsoft surface
[via TechCrunch]
Microsoft Surface: A new interactive computer from Microsoft that gives you a whole new hands-on experience.
Video via Popular Mechanics
Other links:
- Microsoft Mystery Solved: It’s ‘Surface’ by CrunchGear.
- Microsoft Surface Teaser (video)
- Microsoft Surface: Business 2.0 Demo (video)
- Microsoft Surface Possibilities (video)
- Video of Bill Gates Showing off his Expensive Table
Microsoft Surface: A new interactive computer from Microsoft that gives you a whole new hands-on experience.
Microsoft Surface represents a fundamental change in the way we interact with digital content. With surface, we can actually grab data with our hands, and move information between objects with natural gestures and touch. Surface features a 30 inch tabletop display whose unique abilities allow for several people to work independently or simultaneously. All without using a mouse or a keyboard.
Video via Popular Mechanics
Other links:
- Microsoft Mystery Solved: It’s ‘Surface’ by CrunchGear.
- Microsoft Surface Teaser (video)
- Microsoft Surface: Business 2.0 Demo (video)
- Microsoft Surface Possibilities (video)
- Video of Bill Gates Showing off his Expensive Table
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
of etch-a-sketchist
[via Grow A Brain]
Etch-A-Sketchist: Artwork using the travel Etch-A-Sketch. See all the photos here.

Etch-A-Sketchist: Artwork using the travel Etch-A-Sketch. See all the photos here.
of landlord's nightmare
[via CodeWolf]
Landlord's Nightmare: A gallery of photos of a messy apartment. The tenant of this apartment did not bother to clean up and the landlord is shocked at what he saw.

Landlord's Nightmare: A gallery of photos of a messy apartment. The tenant of this apartment did not bother to clean up and the landlord is shocked at what he saw.
of passive-aggressive notes
[via J-Walk Blog]
Passive-Aggressive Notes: A blog that posts passive-aggressive notes from roommates, neighbors, coworkers and strangers.

Passive-Aggressive Notes: A blog that posts passive-aggressive notes from roommates, neighbors, coworkers and strangers.
Monday, 28 May 2007
of cowboy troy
[via VideoSift]
Cowboy Troy: Country rap singer-songwriter has his own style of music in what he calls "hick hop". A fusion of hip-hop, country and rock, all into one.
Watch CBT's Hick Chick music video or all his other videos here.

Cowboy Troy: Country rap singer-songwriter has his own style of music in what he calls "hick hop". A fusion of hip-hop, country and rock, all into one.
Watch CBT's Hick Chick music video or all his other videos here.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
of marilyn monroe illusion
[via Grow A Brain]
Marilyn Monroe Illusion: Move away from your monitor or cross your eyes until you can see the face of Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe Illusion: Move away from your monitor or cross your eyes until you can see the face of Marilyn Monroe.
of world's youngest drummer
[via Look At This]
World's Youngest Drummer: Julian Pavone, aged 3, began playing the drums when he was 3 months old.
Watch the Youtube video here or you can also watch videos hosted at his website.

World's Youngest Drummer: Julian Pavone, aged 3, began playing the drums when he was 3 months old.
Watch the Youtube video here or you can also watch videos hosted at his website.
of stuff n such - 27.05.07
- Quicksilver Dynamite Surfing: Quicksilver viral movie. [via Gari@Suta-GUTI]
- Women In Art: A 3-minute video compilation of female portraits. Potraits from Da Vinci, Picasso, Rafael, Borovikovsky...and many more. [via MetaFilter]
- Caught On Tape: An infrared video taken from a helicopter catches a guy in the act. [via VideoSift]
- Sushi Bar: A camera was placed on the conveyor belt in a sushi bar. See the expression of the diners around the table as the camera passes them. [via VideoSift]
- Sanjaya Malakar is Bill Vendall: Video. Someone named Bill Vendall claiming that American Idol contestant Sanjaya Malakar is a fake. [via MonkeyFilter]
- Nerve Bra: Part bra, part sculpture, part social disturbance. [via MetaFilter]
- Screw Asylum: A site showing faulty screws. [via CodeWolf]
- Which Way Adventure: Game. Choose which way to go. [via Digg]
Good Chinese Tea [via Subspace]
Saturday, 26 May 2007
of nissan dualis
[via Jalopnik]
DUALIS Powered Suit: A gigantic robot used to market the Nissan DUALIS (also called Qashqai).
Watch the 4 viral videos here, here, here and here.

DUALIS Powered Suit: A gigantic robot used to market the Nissan DUALIS (also called Qashqai).
Watch the 4 viral videos here, here, here and here.
of building collapsing in india
[via Arbroath]
Building Collapsing in India: A 2-minute video showing a building in India slowly tilting to one side and eventually collapsing in front of a huge crowd.

Building Collapsing in India: A 2-minute video showing a building in India slowly tilting to one side and eventually collapsing in front of a huge crowd.
of stuff n such - 26.05.07
- Bird Poops On President Bush: Video. A bird deposited a present on President George W. Bush during a press conference. [via Skirmisher]
- Flashlight Hack: Video. How to make a powerful flashlight. A cheaper alternative compared to spending hundreds of dollars on one. [via CodeWolf]
- Kick My Cement Balls: Video. A very mean prank on kids to kick a ball made of cement.
- Make A Pope Hat: 8 steps to make your own Pope hat. [via CodeWolf]
- Microsoft: ...Stop making fun of us. [via CodeWolf]
- The World's Messiest Cars: Cannot believe the amount of rubbish in these cars. [via Digg]
- Halo 2 Vista Delay: Nudity from a .ass error message is the cause of delay. [via Kotaku]
- Heat Gun: Game. Kill the aliens with the chain gun. [via CodeWolf]
Insane Inside [via ez2axs]
Friday, 25 May 2007
of waterspout (close-up)
Waterspout (close-up): A close-up video hosted at LiveLeak of the waterspout that was spotted yesterday.

of first iphone video
[via TUAW]
First Video Taken With iPhone: Source of video from an Apple Store employee in California.
Another link to video hosted at Apple Matters
First Video Taken With iPhone: Source of video from an Apple Store employee in California.
Another link to video hosted at Apple Matters
of the vader project
[via Star Wars Blog]
The Vader Project: Artwork on Darth Vader's helmet. 75 artists customize Darth Vader helmets in landmark gallery exhibition for Star Wars Celebration IV
Related Link:
- Underground Artists Take on the Sith in The Vader Project

The Vader Project: Artwork on Darth Vader's helmet. 75 artists customize Darth Vader helmets in landmark gallery exhibition for Star Wars Celebration IV
Related Link:
- Underground Artists Take on the Sith in The Vader Project
Thursday, 24 May 2007
of ubuntu-dell
[via Digg]
Ubuntu-Dell: The Ubuntu website has a photo of a guy wearing Dell T-Shirt.
Other Ubuntu News: Dell Ubuntu PCs and Notebook start shipping Today

Ubuntu-Dell: The Ubuntu website has a photo of a guy wearing Dell T-Shirt.
Other Ubuntu News: Dell Ubuntu PCs and Notebook start shipping Today
of stuff n such - 24.05.07
- WoW Dancing: A sequence of Warcraft characters dancing to a medley of songs. [via Kotaku]
- Magic Water: Video. Cool water magic trick revealed. [via VideoSift]
- Best Visual Illusion Of The Year 2007: Entries of the top 10 finalists. [via Digg]
- GloFur: Fashionable wearable art. Voted "Ultimate Nightlife Accessory". There are Sweater GlowFur, Long Coat and bikini GlowFur. Watch the video. [via Gizmodo]
- The Unfold Poster Design Contest: Stunning image made by Japanese Palla. [via Digg]
- Artful Coffins: Giving coffins an extra touch. [via CodeWolf]
- Sounds of the World's Animals: Animals make much the same sounds around the world, but each language expresses them differently. [via LinkFilter]
- Find The Stars: Game. Find the stars hidden in every stage. Over 30 stages to clear. [via Digg]
Movie Trailer: Disney's Enchanted. Watch the trailer here. [film.ick]
Confusion Bag [via hlvtca]
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
of painting of tica
[via CodeWolf]
Painting of Tica: This is not a photograph. Very realistic portrait painting by Dru Blair.

Painting of Tica: This is not a photograph. Very realistic portrait painting by Dru Blair.
This is a painting completed in February 2005. It was a Portrait Class project that I decided to finish in my spare time after the workshop. It probably took a total of around 65-75 hours to complete.
of joke restrooms sign
[via J-Walk Blog]
State Forces McGuire’s To Remove 'joke' Restroom Signs: The smaller letterings at the bottom of the sign tells you which toilet to use.

State Forces McGuire’s To Remove 'joke' Restroom Signs: The smaller letterings at the bottom of the sign tells you which toilet to use.
the craftily worded signs on the bathroom doors are part of the charm of McGuires’s Irish Pub...It takes some careful attention to the fine print to end up in right bathroom, but it’s all in good fun, said General Manager Billy Martin.
of pantone 2685c
[via J-Walk Blog]
It's Our Purple, Say Cadbury: Cadbury is owns the Cadbury purple or Pantone 2685C as it is know at the Patent Office.
It's Our Purple, Say Cadbury: Cadbury is owns the Cadbury purple or Pantone 2685C as it is know at the Patent Office.
Not content with being the world's biggest sweet-maker, Cadbury is now laying claim to the colour purple.
The chocolate giant yesterday won a big battle in a war over its signature colour, which is used on bars such as Dairy Milk and Twirl.
of stop war
[via Wooster Collective]
Stop War: Video. Very cool art work.

Stop War: Video. Very cool art work.
This piece is part of a line of work I have been developing over the last year or so, which is called "Urban Impressionism", in which represent 3D objects in 2-Dimensions through shadows
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
of stuff n such - 22.05.07
- Raiders Of The Lost Network: Advertisement by Bluecat Networks. The same people that brought you Office Platoon. [via Anwälte in Vulkane werfen]
- "Thunderstorm" in Chem: A chemistry teacher creates a thunderstorm with liquid nitrogen and boiling water in class.[via VideoSift]
- Banksy Unmasked: Photo of the famous graffiti artist revealed. [via Gawker]
- Best Of Geek Art: Gallery of geek art photos. [via Digg]
- The Napkin Drawings: Flickr photoset. A series of drawings and quotes on napkins put in my daughters' lunches for jr. high and high school every day over a 5 year period. [via MonkeyFilter]
- Helmet Hair: Put some style in your ride with some Helmet Hair [via CodeWolf]
- F@rk Off I'm Busy: Send this link to those who keeps sending you IM when you're busy. [via Digg]
- Visual Acoustics: Choose an instrument and move your mouse over the canvas to play some tunes. [via Digg]
AVIOD [via Mimi K]
Monday, 21 May 2007
of go away paris
[via Right Celebrity]
Go Away Paris: Website created by Citizens for a better America 'dedicated' to Paris Hilton. Watch the music video

Go Away Paris: Website created by Citizens for a better America 'dedicated' to Paris Hilton. Watch the music video
of pacman's skeleton
[via Digg]
Pac-Man’s Skeleton: Created by Le Gentil Garcon with help from paleontologist Francois Escuilie.

Pac-Man’s Skeleton: Created by Le Gentil Garcon with help from paleontologist Francois Escuilie.
Sunday, 20 May 2007
of funniest exit interview
[via Digg]
Funniest Exit Interview: Scans of an exit interview form by a Verizon Technical Support staff.

Funniest Exit Interview: Scans of an exit interview form by a Verizon Technical Support staff.
of rotating tower
[via Digg]
Dubai Puts a New Spin on Skyscrapers
Architect David Fisher has plans to construct a 68-story rotating tower. Each floor will rotate, causing the building's shape to constantly change.
Watch the video

Dubai Puts a New Spin on Skyscrapers
Architect David Fisher has plans to construct a 68-story rotating tower. Each floor will rotate, causing the building's shape to constantly change.
In skyscraper-crazy Dubai, tall isn't enough. In a design to be unveiled today in the oil-rich emirate, David Fisher, an Italian-Israeli architect, has dreamed up a 68-story combination hotel, apartment and office tower where the floors would rotate 360 degrees. Each floor would rotate independently, creating a constantly changing architectural form.
Watch the video
of stuff n such - 20.05.07
- Starcraft II Trailer: Trailer for the new game. [via The Alex Taldren Wire]
- Lightning Strike: ...caught on tape. [via Hans-Wurst]
- Half Car: Video. Showing 2 guys driving only front part of a car. [via A Welsh View]
- Vacuum Screamer: NSFW. A gadget that produces rapid and gentle vibrations. Sold at Lovehoney. Watch the video. [via Abroath]
- Free Slap: Video. Alternative to Free Hugs. [via Shockarchiv]
- A Fair(y) Use Tale: Video. Disney parody explanation of Copyright Law and Fair Use. Video taken from this site. [via Postmodern Magic]
- Most Foolish Inventions: Photo gallery showing interesting gadgets. [via MetaFilter]
- Crazy Ladybug: Game. Make the ladybugs meet. [via MetaFilter]
Song Of The Day: Tarantula by Smashing Pumpkins [via Culture Bully]
Movie Teaser: John Rambo (Rambo IV). Watch the teaser here. [via First Showing]
Anything, Whatever [via Natsuumi]
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Friday, 18 May 2007
Thursday, 17 May 2007
of ninja gardener
[via Jay Is Games]
Ninja Gardener: Game. Stop the birds from picking up the seeds on the ground. Defend your garden. Throw the poison-tipped spades at the birds.

Ninja Gardener: Game. Stop the birds from picking up the seeds on the ground. Defend your garden. Throw the poison-tipped spades at the birds.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
of beep also no use
This was my first time fined for driving through an ERP gantry without a cashcard.
On that very day, I forgot that the ERP was in operation and quickly inserted the cashcard into the In-Vehicle Unit. Then I waited about 5 seconds before passing through the gantry.
What I learnt is that even if the cashcard is placed into the IU and it beeped, the IU needs about 10 seconds for the cashcard to be fully activated.
So next time, I'll wait for more than 10 seconds.

On that very day, I forgot that the ERP was in operation and quickly inserted the cashcard into the In-Vehicle Unit. Then I waited about 5 seconds before passing through the gantry.
What I learnt is that even if the cashcard is placed into the IU and it beeped, the IU needs about 10 seconds for the cashcard to be fully activated.
So next time, I'll wait for more than 10 seconds.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
of man crash
In today's Straits Times

Is not car driven by man crash into bus stop
...a similar accident in May 1998, when a 25 year old man crashed into a bus stop in front of...
Is not car driven by man crash into bus stop
of i'm not dead
Ok ok...I know I didn't update for a long time.
I'm still here. Still alive and kicking. So I'm not dead yet.
And no...i did not take a long time to get my hard disk replaced.
Just that I've been busy lately with work and I've also been wasting time playing with this.
I'm still here. Still alive and kicking. So I'm not dead yet.
And no...i did not take a long time to get my hard disk replaced.
Just that I've been busy lately with work and I've also been wasting time playing with this.
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