I got a phone call from a financial advisor from some company informing me that her company is doing a recruitment drive. She goes on to say that her company is offering me a job as a financial advisor. I rejected it immediately.
I do not want to work for a company that does a recruitment drive at 8.30 at night. Something must be very wrong with the company.
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
of picnik
[via Electrixity]
Picnik: Free online photo-editing site. Grab photos off your computer or sites like Flickr and edit them.

Picnik: Free online photo-editing site. Grab photos off your computer or sites like Flickr and edit them.
of zink
[via SharkRide]
Zink: "Zero Ink". The Magic Is In The Paper. Printing on special paper without use of ink. Watch the "How It Works" video.

Zink: "Zero Ink". The Magic Is In The Paper. Printing on special paper without use of ink. Watch the "How It Works" video.
ZINK Imaging has invented and patented a new way to print and experience full color digital images without the need for ink cartridges or ribbons. A new, simpler approach to printing, ZINK Imaging's patented technology radically shifts the printing paradigm from an ink cartridge or ink ribbon to a totally ink-less system.
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Monday, 29 January 2007
of in my language
[via VideoSift]
In My Language: An autistic lady speaks her own language in the beginning of this video and later provides a translation in the later part.

In My Language: An autistic lady speaks her own language in the beginning of this video and later provides a translation in the later part.
The first part is in my "native language," and then the second part provides a translation, or at least an explanation.
of hillary clinton singing
[via The RIght Side Of My Brain]
Hillary Clinton Sings National Anthem: Video. The microphone records Hillary Clinton singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Hillary Clinton Sings National Anthem: Video. The microphone records Hillary Clinton singing the Star Spangled Banner.
of bore me
Bore Me: Make a 30 second video as dull as you can. The prize is 1 free month access to YouTube

Can you bore viewers in 30 seconds or less? Dig deep into your inner bore. Nalts defines the rules as he suffers the frequent humiliation of having to order his wife a pretentious drink at Starbucks
of stuff n such - 29.01.07
- Firework Vs Cupboard: Video. What not to do with Fireworks. [via A Welsh View]
- Stop Motion With Candles: Video. Stop motion using candles to make arcade games. [via CodeWolf]
- Best Aim: Video. Skill in popping champagne cork. [via VideoSift]
- Metalheads Dancing: Video. Metalheads dancing and un unexpected happens [via SparkySpot]
- Make Your Fingers Mysteriously Smoke: Video. Trick to make your fingers magically smoke using things you'll have around your home.
- Every Ad In Times Square: Flickrset. Iron Sans takes 20 minutes to capture every advertisement in Times Square. See it all in one page. [via LinkFilter]
- Apple Fanboy: Jeremy Mehrle of St. Louis, Missouri has over 70 Mac computers. [via Look At This]
- Click The Blue Button: Game. Click the blue button to get to the next level. [via CodeWolf]
Asian Nations And Flag [via micxs032]
of googletv
[via reddiggulo.us]
GoogleTV Is Real: Jimmy Ruska used CamStudio to do a desktop recording to show that Google TV is real.
Link to Mark Eriksons' How To Sign Up For GoogleTV Beta (Video)
Update: Mark Erikson has released another video to confirm that this is not a hoax.

GoogleTV Is Real: Jimmy Ruska used CamStudio to do a desktop recording to show that Google TV is real.
How to get google TV? I followed Mark Eriksons tutorial, his username on youtube is infinite solutions. I used a screen capture tool on firefox and recorded that google tv does in fact exist.
Link to Mark Eriksons' How To Sign Up For GoogleTV Beta (Video)
Update: Mark Erikson has released another video to confirm that this is not a hoax.
of smart or stoopid
[via CodeWolf]
Are You Smart Or Stoopid?: Are you smarter or stoopider than the average person? Take this short IQ Test and find out how you compare...
I am 19.3% stoopider than average.

Are You Smart Or Stoopid?: Are you smarter or stoopider than the average person? Take this short IQ Test and find out how you compare...
I am 19.3% stoopider than average.
Thursday, 25 January 2007
of guru neko
[via SnarkySpot]
Guru Neko: Game. Click the mouse to jump/drop a level. Collect all the dots and avoid the crabs..

Guru Neko: Game. Click the mouse to jump/drop a level. Collect all the dots and avoid the crabs..
of microsoft and wikipedia
[via The State of Higher Education]
Microsoft In Hot Water Over Wikipedia Edits: Microsoft requesting Rick Jelliffe, C.T.O. of Topologi, to help provide more balance on Wikipedia concerning ODF/OOXML.
Microsoft In Hot Water Over Wikipedia Edits: Microsoft requesting Rick Jelliffe, C.T.O. of Topologi, to help provide more balance on Wikipedia concerning ODF/OOXML.
Microsoft Corp. has landed in the Wikipedia doghouse after it offered to pay a blogger to change technical articles on the community-produced Web encyclopedia site.
of remember to add water
[via tombrennan]
Microwave Experiments Cause Sponge Disasters:
Microwave Experiments Cause Sponge Disasters:
Reports about a study that found microwave ovens can be used to sterilize kitchen sponges sent people hurrying to test the idea this week -- with sometimes disastrous results...A team at the University of Florida found that two minutes in the microwave at full power could kill a range of bacteria, viruses and parasites on kitchen sponges...They described how they soaked the sponges in wastewater and then zapped them. (Microwave zaps germs on sponges.)...But several experimenters evidently left out the crucial step of wetting the sponge.
of post-it note jaguar
[via J-Walk Blog]
The InPhonic Post-It Note Jaguar: Flickrset. Pasting 14,000 Post-its on a Jaguar.

The InPhonic Post-It Note Jaguar: Flickrset. Pasting 14,000 Post-its on a Jaguar.
What we did to Walt's Jaguar in the InPhonic parking garage on Friday...We like to have a little fun sometimes at InPhonic
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
of north korea's 007
[via AsiaPundit]
North Korea's 007
Watch the 7-part videos at youtube.

North Korea's 007
North Korea's 007 (or "007 vs. Man in Black"), a currently very popular short movie by "Huge" and some Chinese netizens, mocks Kim Jong Il and his secret agent for buying Hennessy XO on the Chinese black market.
Watch the 7-part videos at youtube.
of fantasticable
[via CodeWolf]
Fantasticable: Fantasticable is a ride in Chatel, France. Travel at speeds of up to 120km/h for over 1km.

Fantasticable: Fantasticable is a ride in Chatel, France. Travel at speeds of up to 120km/h for over 1km.
of floodle
[via A Welsh View]
Floodle: This site contains plenty of eBooks. Download all for free.

Floodle: This site contains plenty of eBooks. Download all for free.
All downloads listed here were purchased by floodle.net on the understanding of the transfer of full master resell rights and each item is vetted before posting however if anyone knows of any copyrights covering any of the information here then please contact me immediately and I will remove it.
Monday, 22 January 2007
of forgot that I parked...
Yesterday morning, I decided to park my car for a minute or two at the loading bay while I popped into the provision shop to get some stuff. After buying the stuff, I happily walked home.
I only remembered about the 'abandoned' car when I took Lancerkid for a walk in the evening. From a distant, I looked at the car and thought to myself, "Hmm, some goondu has the same car as mine".
You should look at my goondu face when I walked past the car just to see the familiar license number.
Next time if I park at the loading bay, maybe I should remember to take a photo in case I lose my car.
I only remembered about the 'abandoned' car when I took Lancerkid for a walk in the evening. From a distant, I looked at the car and thought to myself, "Hmm, some goondu has the same car as mine".
You should look at my goondu face when I walked past the car just to see the familiar license number.
Next time if I park at the loading bay, maybe I should remember to take a photo in case I lose my car.
of 2000 bloggers
[via Andrew Wee]
2000 Bloggers: A project by Tino Buntic which showcases 2000 bloggers.
If you want to be included, just leave a comment in Tino's post and he will add you to the list.

2000 Bloggers: A project by Tino Buntic which showcases 2000 bloggers.
55 million blogs...
I'd like to showcase all of them, but I've settled on just 2000 bloggers.
Bloggers come from all walks of life! Some are SEO experts. Some are writers. Some are sports enthusiasts. Some are affiliate marketers. Some are business professionals. Some are political. Some are sports enthusiasts. ALL HAVE OPINIONS!!!
Some bloggers blog to make money. Some do it for fun.
If you want to be included, just leave a comment in Tino's post and he will add you to the list.
of freak football accident
[via Portalcab]
Freak Accident At Football Match: A sudden gust of wind pulls out the sign boards on the side of the field and blows them viciously across the pitch, hitting the linesman and a few players!

Freak Accident At Football Match: A sudden gust of wind pulls out the sign boards on the side of the field and blows them viciously across the pitch, hitting the linesman and a few players!
Sunday, 21 January 2007
of stuff n such - 19.01.07
- Diet Coke and Mentos Experiments #214: Video. Domino effect Diet Coke and Mentos. 251 bottles of Diet Coke and over 1,500 Mentos mints. Watch the setup for this experiment. More videos at Eepybird.com. [via Garage Spin]
- Where Is The Octopus?: Video. Octopus camouflage. [via A Welsh View]
- Jeep Waterfall: Video. Using water to make signs. [via Centripetal Notion]
- Windows Startup Music Prank: Video. Embarassing moment in the library. [via VideoSift]
- Pillow Fight League: Featuring strong female combatants, the PFL is engaged in the unprecedented whip-action attack of pillow fighting. Watch the videos. [via CodeWolf]
- The Ultimate Swiss Army Knife: Video. Many-many-many-many-tools-in-1. The ultimate from Wenger [via SFO Mom]
- Let Them Sing It For You: Type in words and let this website sing for you. [via Digg]
- Paper Tosser: Game. Good to play when you're bored. [via Leprechaun's Pub]
Lambos [via Huey2006]
Saturday, 20 January 2007
of mai hiam
When I was ordering wanton noodles at the coffeeshop, Lancerkid heard me saying 面 ('mian') and he repeated "面面". He should know what I was ordering since we also speak some Mandarin to him.
When I told the lady not to put chilli ('mai hiam') in Hokkien. Lancerkid turned to me and said "Huh?". He knows that it is a different language.
When I told the lady not to put chilli ('mai hiam') in Hokkien. Lancerkid turned to me and said "Huh?". He knows that it is a different language.
Friday, 19 January 2007
of sasuke obstacle course
[via XenJapan]
Sasuke Obstacle Course: Nagano Makoto completes the Sasuke Obstacle Course.

Sasuke Obstacle Course: Nagano Makoto completes the Sasuke Obstacle Course.
Sasuke is a tournament held in Japan and consists of four obstacle courses. The difficulty increases with each course level. Nagano Makoto is one of only two men to ever complete the fourth and final stage of Sasuke(Ninja Warrior in America). This is the footage of the obstacles that he went through in the 17th Competition which was aired on October 11, 2006.
of wii sports experiment results
[via PlayWii]
Wii Sports Experiment Results
This is the result of using Wii. Lose 9 lbs in 6 weeks.
Watch the time-lapse video of the 6-week experiment.

Wii Sports Experiment Results
Six weeks ago, I began what has become a huge obsession of mine. It is called the "Wii Sports Experiment"...I outlined a 6 week game plan for myself, the idea being that I would continue ALL normal activity and eating habits, and simply add 30 minutes of Wii Sports to my day.
This is the result of using Wii. Lose 9 lbs in 6 weeks.
Watch the time-lapse video of the 6-week experiment.
Thursday, 18 January 2007
of walking in circles
[via Escape The Room]
Walking In Circles: Game. 3D adventure game. To begin the game, double click on "walkies?".

Walking In Circles: Game. 3D adventure game. To begin the game, double click on "walkies?".
of enough
I was 'educating' Lancerlad to speak up more often.
Sometimes he is just too lazy to speak up. Only nods or shakes his head or waits for us to 'help' him to answer.
Lancerlord: Lancerlad, learn to speak more ok?
*Lancerlad nods head*
Lancerlord: Don't just nod or shake your head. Say 'Yes' or 'No'.
Lancerlad: Ok.
Lancerlord: Learn to speak up.
Lancerlad: Ok.
Lancerlord: Speak louder so that people can hear you.
I nagged for a few minutes and finally Lancerlad raises his hand just like what his school teaches. Shows me his palm.
Lancerlad: Daddy, Daddy. Enough. Enough.
I left him alone to watch the tele.
Sometimes he is just too lazy to speak up. Only nods or shakes his head or waits for us to 'help' him to answer.
Lancerlord: Lancerlad, learn to speak more ok?
*Lancerlad nods head*
Lancerlord: Don't just nod or shake your head. Say 'Yes' or 'No'.
Lancerlad: Ok.
Lancerlord: Learn to speak up.
Lancerlad: Ok.
Lancerlord: Speak louder so that people can hear you.
I nagged for a few minutes and finally Lancerlad raises his hand just like what his school teaches. Shows me his palm.
Lancerlad: Daddy, Daddy. Enough. Enough.
I left him alone to watch the tele.
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
of stuff n such - 16.01.07
- Prime Time: Short animation. One of aniBOOM awards finalist. A story about human nature and its reaction to technology. [via CodeWolf]
- Alien Vs Human: Video. An old clip from a Japanese show. [via CodeWolf]
- The Man Of 101 Voices: Video. Brock Baker does 101 impressions in less than 4 minutes. [via Brock Baker]
- Amazing Magic Milk: Video. Milk + Food Colouring + Soap = Psychedelic Milk [via A Welsh View]
- Post-S3x Sleeping Positions...: and what it means. A little NSFW. [via CodeWolf]
- $1 PS3: Robert Lee from Canada sold his $1700 PS3 on eBay to a lady in Pennsylvania for $1. Watch the video. Go to the eBay site. [via Digg]
- Phil's Tonsil Diary: This is a diary of my tonsils - charting their infection, growth and removal. WARNING - Site contains photos that are not for the faint hearted. [via Gari@Suta-GUTI]
- Luckiest Guy On The Planet: Photos. [via SaveManny]
Movie Trailer: Blades Of Glory
Granny's laundry or pretty lunar new year decor? [via lil'murmurs]
Sunday, 14 January 2007
of stuff n such - 14.01.07
- Parking Videos: Watch these videos of a car leaving a parking lot and this driver's attempts to park into a tight space. [via A Welsh View]
- How Not To Rob A Liquor Shop: Video. Funny stuff. [via MetaFilter]
- Ping Pong Ball Prowess: Videos. Cool tricks with ping pong ball. [via Look At This]
- Sulphur Hexafluoride: Video. This has opposite effects to Helium. Gives you a deep voice. [via A Welsh View]
- Lego Beer Opener: Video. Beer bottle opener using lego. [via CodeWolf]
- What I Did Over Christmas Vacation: Miss(ed) Manners attempt to recreate Helms Deep using candy. [via Nobody Knows Anything]
- Eejanaika: 4th Dimension roller coaster in Japan. World Record for having the most number of inversions during the ride. Watch the video. [via MetaFilter]
- Bombs Away: Game. Drop the bombs onto the buildings. [via CodeWolf]
Song Of The Day: Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)
Leg In Rubbish Bin [via Low23]
Saturday, 13 January 2007
of tasty stamps
[via A Welsh View]
Sweet 'n' Sour Pork Delivered Through Your Post Box

Sweet 'n' Sour Pork Delivered Through Your Post Box
New stamps to celebrate the Chinese year of the pig not only show the animals but also taste of them.
When you scratch the front of the porcine postage stamps, the 'tasty aroma' of sweet and sour pork is released. Lick the back and you can taste the famous Chinese dish, too.
Friday, 12 January 2007
of refunded
Finally got a cash cheque refund for the uZap Mini after 5 phone calls from different OSIM Customer Service Officers.
First phone call was to inform me of the recall and to arrange the collection on Monday.
OSIM CSO: There is a recall of uZap Mini due to....Can we arrange to collect the uZap Mini on Monday. We will replace it with a brand new blood pressure monitor.
Second phone call was to postpone the collection to another day.
Third call was to inform me about the recall again and to arrange the collection again. I told the CSO that I had already been informed and the collection date had already been arranged.
Fourth call was to ask me if my uZap Mini has been collected which in fact the collection has been changed to the next day.
Fifth call was to ask me something that I didn't know.
OSIM CSO: May I know which refund option did you choose?
Lancerlord: I wasn't given any option. I was told that I would be given a blood pressure monitor.
OSIM CSO: Sorry sir but we have run out of the blood pressure monitor. Do you prefer to have the $150 OSIM voucher or cash cheque?
Lancerlord: I'll take the cash cheque.
Little bit frustrating but nonetheless I got the refund in the end.
$99? I was expecting $150 cash cheque based on how the last CSO relayed the options to me.
First phone call was to inform me of the recall and to arrange the collection on Monday.
OSIM CSO: There is a recall of uZap Mini due to....Can we arrange to collect the uZap Mini on Monday. We will replace it with a brand new blood pressure monitor.
Second phone call was to postpone the collection to another day.
Third call was to inform me about the recall again and to arrange the collection again. I told the CSO that I had already been informed and the collection date had already been arranged.
Fourth call was to ask me if my uZap Mini has been collected which in fact the collection has been changed to the next day.
Fifth call was to ask me something that I didn't know.
OSIM CSO: May I know which refund option did you choose?
Lancerlord: I wasn't given any option. I was told that I would be given a blood pressure monitor.
OSIM CSO: Sorry sir but we have run out of the blood pressure monitor. Do you prefer to have the $150 OSIM voucher or cash cheque?
Lancerlord: I'll take the cash cheque.
Little bit frustrating but nonetheless I got the refund in the end.
$99? I was expecting $150 cash cheque based on how the last CSO relayed the options to me.
Thursday, 11 January 2007
of stuff n such - 11.01.07
- Coca Cola Can Trick: Video. Make a coke can stand on its edge. [via Grow A Brain]
- scrybe: Cool online organiser. Watch the video. [via CodeWolf]
- World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion: Alexander Overwijk draws a perfect freehand circle 1m in diameter in less than a second. [via A Welsh View]
- 115ft Jump: Video. 115ft jump without a parachute. [via Gari@Suta-GUTI]
- Darth Vader Soundboard: A gallery of Vader's voice. [via Look At This]
- Taxi Hailer: Catch a cab in a flash. [via CodeWolf]
- Running Away From Camera: Gallery of people running away from the camera. [via CSG]
- Home Aquarium: An aquarium that runs around your home. [via Living In The Whine Country]
Be Afraid [via flakeyjk]
of cardboard iphone
[via A Welsh View]
Cardboard iPhone: Print this out and stick it on a cardboard if you cannot wait to get your hands on the iPhone.

Cardboard iPhone: Print this out and stick it on a cardboard if you cannot wait to get your hands on the iPhone.
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
of buddylube
[via Snipperoo]
BuddyLube: BuddyLube helps to evaluate products in 3 stages. There are currently 50 over products in their Alpha testing and 8 products in beta testing.

BuddyLube: BuddyLube helps to evaluate products in 3 stages. There are currently 50 over products in their Alpha testing and 8 products in beta testing.
BuddyLube is the premiere Web 2.0 marketing management and advertising agency...During our Alpha program we scope out the top companies in each core Web 2.0 space. We then move into a Beta testing period that ultimately leads to a full blown Client campaign...
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
of bak hoo and bak kwa
Didn't know Lancerkid likes Bak Hoo. He tried a little bit and wanted some more.
On the other hand, Lancerlad tried a small piece of Bak Kwa and he kept asking for more.
I guess they will eat up all the Bak Hoo and Bak Kwa in the house come Chinese New Year.

On the other hand, Lancerlad tried a small piece of Bak Kwa and he kept asking for more.
I guess they will eat up all the Bak Hoo and Bak Kwa in the house come Chinese New Year.
of crysis
[via Digg]
New Crysis Video: Don't think my cannot-make-it compooter is suitable for this kind of very-can-make-it game.
Direct link to video

New Crysis Video: Don't think my cannot-make-it compooter is suitable for this kind of very-can-make-it game.
Direct link to video
of xrez
[via J-Walk Blog]
xRez (Extreme Resolution): These photos are taken with gigapixel resolution. Check out the gallery and play around with the photos. Double click to zoom in. Double right click to zoom out.
Zoom in from this...

...to this.

xRez (Extreme Resolution): These photos are taken with gigapixel resolution. Check out the gallery and play around with the photos. Double click to zoom in. Double right click to zoom out.
Zoom in from this...
...to this.
Sunday, 7 January 2007
of the best tag in flickr
This is one of the best Flickr tags used by Flickr user L!n for a set of photos she took of the National Library.
The tag reads
So next time you want to take, make sure no security person is watching you.

The tag reads
only managed to take a few shots before some security person said that I can't take photos due to the security becoz of 9-11 thingie... *rolls eyes*
So next time you want to take, make sure no security person is watching you.
Saturday, 6 January 2007
of stuff n such - 07.01.07
- Impossible Is The Opposite Of Possible: Video. Michael Cera's parody of Aleksey Vayner's infamous "Impossible is Nothing" video. Watch the Aleksey video first if you have not. [via Yewknee]
- 911 WTC View From Helicoptor: Video. Shot taken from a helicoptor. [via CodeWolf]
- Hand Lang Syne: Video. Producing music by squeezing one's hands together. Video showing Bruce Gaston and Ken Purcell performing "Auld Lang Syne". [via Gari@Suta-GUTI]
- Monoface: Click the mouth, nose, head and each eye... [via Grow A Brain]
- Sidewall Art: Gallery of painting on the side of buildings. [via CodeWolf]
- The World's Stupidest Tattoos: Gallery of silly tattoos. [via Look At This]
- 7 Cool Gadgets You Can Make at Home: A gallery of videos showing stuff you can make at home. [via Savemanny]
- Double Maze: Game. Double the difficulty. [via CodeWolf]
Order - Sitting Not Allowed [via dekcuf]
of top 25 web videos
[via SnarkySpot]
Top 25 Web Videos of 2006: i am bored lists 25 top videos of 2006. After watching the videos, I was still bored and so I clicked on one of the ad links and ended up playing "Go Do Something".

Top 25 Web Videos of 2006: i am bored lists 25 top videos of 2006. After watching the videos, I was still bored and so I clicked on one of the ad links and ended up playing "Go Do Something".
of fireworks accident
Firework Accident: Fireworks accident during a premiership match. One of the fireworks flew straight into the crowd, hitting a woman in the face.

of 2007 hooters calender
[via Grow A Brain]
2007 Hooters Calender: It is the must-have calender. But not as good as the Pirelli ones.

2007 Hooters Calender: It is the must-have calender. But not as good as the Pirelli ones.
of easy opening
[via Digg]
Ouverture Facile: Try this game.

Ouverture Facile: Try this game.
Ouverture Facile (the French translation for "Easy Opening") is a riddle game with a growing difficulty. Each level has to be solved to access the next one and what you learn in a riddle might be useful later in another one. The game doesn't really end as I add levels when I have some fresh ideas. Ouverture Facile was launched in June 2005 and features 92 French levels to this day (November 2006)...
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