Ninja Text: Text generator.
Sunday, 24 September 2006
of stuff n such - 25.09.06
- All The Simpsons That You need: A site that links to videos for all Simpsons episodes from Season 1 till Season 18. [via Throw Away Your TV]
- Kinetic Art: Video. Domino effect. [via Look At This]
- PiccoZ Micro RC Helicoptor: Video showing a cool radio-controlled toy. [via SnarkySpot]
- A Woman Without Her Man Is Nothing: Punctuation is important. [via LinkFilter]
- Top 10 Coolest Things Seen With Google Earth: Capsized cruise ship, airplanes refueling in mid-air, Firefox crop circle... [via Digg]
- Handsfree Transporter: Looks similar to the Segway minus the handle bars. [via CodeWolf]
- Joystiq's Most Impressive Gamer Winner: Die-hard gamer with 32 gaming systems. I like the "Reserved for Wii". [via Popgadget]
- New Sand Game: Draw lines and see the sand fall. [via Digg]
Movie Trailer: Eragon
Photo Pillar [via retour de baton]
of wallace and clinton interview
[via Jingo Cheetah]
Fox Clinton Interview: This is the interview with Bill Clinton by Chris Wallace in which Clinton was agitated.
Others links:
- CNN : I got closer to killing bin Laden
- Newsbusters : Why Clinton Blew His Top: FNC's Wallace Only Interviewer to Ask About Pre-9/11 Failures
- Michelle Malkin : He doth protest too much
- Hot Air : Clinton vs. Wallace on "Fox News Sunday"
- Think Progress : Clinton Sets The Record Straight On Terrorism, Smacks Down Fox News

Fox Clinton Interview: This is the interview with Bill Clinton by Chris Wallace in which Clinton was agitated.
Others links:
- CNN : I got closer to killing bin Laden
- Newsbusters : Why Clinton Blew His Top: FNC's Wallace Only Interviewer to Ask About Pre-9/11 Failures
- Michelle Malkin : He doth protest too much
- Hot Air : Clinton vs. Wallace on "Fox News Sunday"
- Think Progress : Clinton Sets The Record Straight On Terrorism, Smacks Down Fox News
Saturday, 23 September 2006
of line rider
[via kid purple]
Line Rider: Draw lines and see how the guy slides around.
You can download the program here.

Line Rider: Draw lines and see how the guy slides around.
You can download the program here.
of bin laden news
The "Bin Laden is dead" news is flooding the net.
- Is Bin Laden Dead?
- : Officials, friends can't confirm Bin Laden death report
- The Jawa Report: Osama bin Laden Reported Dead
- Blue Star Chronicles: The French say Osama Bin Laden is Dead
- My Way News: France Looks Into bin Laden Death Report
- Seattle pi: Officials skeptical of bin Laden report
- French newspaper says Saudis believe bin Laden dead
- Washington Post: Officials Doubt Report Of Bin Laden's Death
- CBS News: Rumors Swirl About Bin Laden's Health
- CBS News: French Want Probe Into Bin Laden Leak
- BBC News: Probe into 'Bin Laden death' leak
- MSNBC: Chirac says no evidence bin Laden has died
- Fox News: U.S., French Intelligence Officials Say Bin Laden Death Report Unconfirmed
- ScrappleFace: Experts say Bin Laden Death Might Explain U.N. Sulfur Smell
- All Things Beautiful: Osama bin-Laden Dead....Again?
- Michelle Malkin: Osama: Dead again?
- HotAir: Osama's possibly gravely ill
- Unconfirmed Sources: Bush Confirms Death of Osama Bin Laden
- Is Bin Laden Dead?
- : Officials, friends can't confirm Bin Laden death report
- The Jawa Report: Osama bin Laden Reported Dead
- Blue Star Chronicles: The French say Osama Bin Laden is Dead
- My Way News: France Looks Into bin Laden Death Report
- Seattle pi: Officials skeptical of bin Laden report
- French newspaper says Saudis believe bin Laden dead
- Washington Post: Officials Doubt Report Of Bin Laden's Death
- CBS News: Rumors Swirl About Bin Laden's Health
- CBS News: French Want Probe Into Bin Laden Leak
- BBC News: Probe into 'Bin Laden death' leak
- MSNBC: Chirac says no evidence bin Laden has died
- Fox News: U.S., French Intelligence Officials Say Bin Laden Death Report Unconfirmed
- ScrappleFace: Experts say Bin Laden Death Might Explain U.N. Sulfur Smell
- All Things Beautiful: Osama bin-Laden Dead....Again?
- Michelle Malkin: Osama: Dead again?
- HotAir: Osama's possibly gravely ill
- Unconfirmed Sources: Bush Confirms Death of Osama Bin Laden
of netcast
[via Digg]
A Cast By Any Other Name...: In light of Apple's claims that using "Podcast Ready" infringes the iPod trademark, Leo Laporte suggests changing the name for podcast to netcast. He will address this during next week's Podcast Expo
Also see Scobleizer
A Cast By Any Other Name...: In light of Apple's claims that using "Podcast Ready" infringes the iPod trademark, Leo Laporte suggests changing the name for podcast to netcast. He will address this during next week's Podcast Expo
If Apple is claiming that the term "Podcast Ready" infringes their iPod trademark, then they're claiming ownership of the word podcast. Needless to say this could precipitate a crisis in the *cast community.
Truth is, I've never liked the word podcast. It causes confusion...I propose the word "netcast." It's a little clearer that these are broadcasts over the Internet. It's catchy and even kind of a pun.
Also see Scobleizer
of monkey kickoff
[via Gobian Blog]
Monkey Kick Off: Game. Use the mouse or keyboard to kick the ball. See how far you can kick.

Monkey Kick Off: Game. Use the mouse or keyboard to kick the ball. See how far you can kick.
of stuff n such - 23.09.06
- Billie Jean Beatbox: Video. Beatboxing by Latvian group, Cosmos. [via Gari@Suta-GUTI]
- Korean Archery: Video. Piercing an arrow from 70m. [via AhSoon]
- Bill Clinton Flips Out: Video of Bill Clinton freaking out during an interview with Chris Wallace. The transcript can be found here. [via Hot Air]
- Russian Roads: Gallery of photos of cars stuck in one of Russia's highway. [via A Welsh View]
- Bed Jumping HQ: Gallery of photos and videos of people jumping on hotel beds. Check out the Flickr photoset. [via Gorilla Sushi]
- Businessbibs: Even guys need bibs. [via Popgadget]
- Sky Ceiling: photographic illusions of real skies that fit into standard ceiling grid systems [via J-Walk Blog]
- Cockroach Dream: Game. Do not stress the guy up. Swat the cockroaches before they irritate the guy. [via Blog Quebecois]
Song Of The Day: Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World. Watch the MTV here
Singapore Biennale [via Alvelyn]
of ip-adress
[via The Presurfer]
IP-adress: shows you fast your own IP-adress of your internet connection and locates your city or the city of your isp (shown with google maps)
The position displayed points to Suntec City.
Also see Where Am I which also shows you where you are using your computer's IP address.

IP-adress: shows you fast your own IP-adress of your internet connection and locates your city or the city of your isp (shown with google maps)
The position displayed points to Suntec City.
Also see Where Am I which also shows you where you are using your computer's IP address.
of lost s3 promo
[via Louca por Lost]
Lost Season 3 Promo: New season premieres on 4th October.
Link to another promo clip.

Lost Season 3 Promo: New season premieres on 4th October.
Link to another promo clip.
Friday, 22 September 2006
of little superstar
[via Dream Chimney]
Little Superstar: A clip taken from an Indian film. Shows some funny dance moves.

Little Superstar: A clip taken from an Indian film. Shows some funny dance moves.
of cool feet
[via Gizmodo]
Cool Feet: Airspace for your hot laptop. Raises your laptop to let the air circulate underneath.

Cool Feet: Airspace for your hot laptop. Raises your laptop to let the air circulate underneath.
of seitz
[via engadget and engadget]
Seitz creates cameras of all sizes and for various purposes.
The Seitz 6x17 Digital is a power-packed monster that takes 160 Megapixels images.
On the other hand, the Roundshot D3 is smaller and it takes high resolution 360°, 460 Megapixels images.

Seitz creates cameras of all sizes and for various purposes.
The Seitz 6x17 Digital is a power-packed monster that takes 160 Megapixels images.
On the other hand, the Roundshot D3 is smaller and it takes high resolution 360°, 460 Megapixels images.
of margaret thatcher illusion
[via Forgetfoo]
Margaret Thatcher Illusion: There are some differences in the 2 photos below. But when the photos are flipped, they are completed different.

Margaret Thatcher Illusion: There are some differences in the 2 photos below. But when the photos are flipped, they are completed different.
Ok, look at the image below. You will notice some little differences, but they hardly trigger your brain to notice them... but wait! If we flip this same image, you will see the differences are anything, but "unnoticable"!
of 300
[via Movies For The Masses]
300: Movie by "Dawn Of The Dead" director Zack Snyder based on Frank Miller's 300. To be released in March 2007. Watch the trailer here or here

300: Movie by "Dawn Of The Dead" director Zack Snyder based on Frank Miller's 300. To be released in March 2007. Watch the trailer here or here
Based on the epic graphic novel by Frank Miller, 300 is a ferocious retelling of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae in which King Leonidas (Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite against their Persian enemy, drawing a line in the sand for democracy.
Thursday, 21 September 2006
of usbcell
of t.m.x. elmo
[via Buy-With-Discount]
T.M.X. Elmo: The latest hottest toy. Tickle Me Elmo (10th anniversary).
Watch the video and get tickled.
Other T.M.X . Elmo videos at Youtube. Do not play all the videos at once like what I did. The tickle slowly turned into a nuisance.

T.M.X. Elmo: The latest hottest toy. Tickle Me Elmo (10th anniversary).
Watch the video and get tickled.
Other T.M.X . Elmo videos at Youtube. Do not play all the videos at once like what I did. The tickle slowly turned into a nuisance.
Monday, 18 September 2006
of vloggies 2006
[via Bot-Hack]
Vloggies 2006: Celebrating Achievement in Vlogs and Online Video. This is an event to recognise the best Vloggers in various categories.

Vloggies 2006: Celebrating Achievement in Vlogs and Online Video. This is an event to recognise the best Vloggers in various categories.
The Vloggies Awards recognize individual and business excellence in creativity, quality and delivery of online video content...The Vloggies honor the involvement of the videoblogging community of creators, toolsmiths, delivery platforms and viewers. Culminating in one real-time, real-world evening event, the awards will be announced on November 4th in San Francisco, California. The evening will be podcast for anytime-anywhere viewing through and iTunes.
of anytime will have no intergneck
Friday, 15 September 2006
of street art
[via EinBlog]
Street Art: British street artist, Paul Curtis aka Moose, creates graffiti by cleaning dirt from sidewalks and tunnels.

Street Art: British street artist, Paul Curtis aka Moose, creates graffiti by cleaning dirt from sidewalks and tunnels.
We make our images by creating a constrast through cleaning or restoring surfaces, such as walls and pavement
Thursday, 14 September 2006
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
of ultraslim handphone
[via Ruliweb]
Samsung Ultra Edition Handphone: What not to do with your Samsung X820 ultraslim handphone.

Samsung Ultra Edition Handphone: What not to do with your Samsung X820 ultraslim handphone.
of nano and shuffle
[via Mexijew]
New iPod nano: Completely remastered. Watch the iPod nano ad

New clip-on iPod shuffle: Put some music on.

New iPod nano: Completely remastered. Watch the iPod nano ad
A thinner design. Five stylish colors. A brighter display. Up to 24 hours of battery life. Just about the only thing that hasn’t changed is the name. In 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB models starting at $149, iPod nano puts up to 2,000 songs in your pocket.
New clip-on iPod shuffle: Put some music on.
The world’s smallest digital music player and just $79, the 1GB iPod shuffle lets you wear up to 240 songs(1) on your sleeve. Or your lapel. Or your belt. Clip on iPod shuffle and wear it as a badge of musical devotion.
Monday, 11 September 2006
of miniature earth
[via GravyDave]
Miniature-Earth: Meaningful slideshow. If the world's population were reduced to 100, it would look something like this...

Miniature-Earth: Meaningful slideshow. If the world's population were reduced to 100, it would look something like this...
The idea of reducing the world’s population to a community of only 100 people is very useful and important. It makes us easily understand the differences in the world.Watch the slideshow
The Miniature Earth website was first published in 2001, since than it has been seen by more than 2 million people around the globe and linked by more than 20.000 websites.
This is the third version of the project.
of microsoft max
[via TechCrunch]
Microsoft Max: Microsoft's photo sharing software. Download here.
Also read TechCrunch's article on Microsoft Soapbox which they called a Youtube clone.

Microsoft Max: Microsoft's photo sharing software. Download here.
Microsoft® Codename Max is your opportunity to try a new, exciting experience from Microsoft. Today Max lets you make beautiful photo slideshows to share with your family and friends. You can also use the newsreader to keep up with the latest news updates from around the world.
Also read TechCrunch's article on Microsoft Soapbox which they called a Youtube clone.
of who?
We are teaching Lancerlad to address people when talking to others.
In school, sometimes Lancerlad just says "Good morning" to the teachers. Only when we asked him "Good morning who?" then he would address the teacher's name.
Same thing when talking to our neighbours,
Neighbour: Hello, boy boy
Lancerlad: Hello
Lancerlord: Hello who?
Lancerlad: Hello, uncle
So just before we were going to sleep, I said "good night" to him.
Lancerlord: Good night
Lancerlad: Good night who?
Lancerlad: Good night, Lancerlad.
In school, sometimes Lancerlad just says "Good morning" to the teachers. Only when we asked him "Good morning who?" then he would address the teacher's name.
Same thing when talking to our neighbours,
Neighbour: Hello, boy boy
Lancerlad: Hello
Lancerlord: Hello who?
Lancerlad: Hello, uncle
So just before we were going to sleep, I said "good night" to him.
Lancerlord: Good night
Lancerlad: Good night who?
Lancerlad: Good night, Lancerlad.
of 911
Remembering 911 [via Grow A Brain]
WTC Crash Videos: Gallery of videos
Chronology - Sept.11: From 8:46am to 10:28am.
911 Flythrough: Simulated view from the cockpit.
5 Years On
Al Qaeda releases 9/11 anniversary message: Al Qaeda's chief deputy, in a newly released video, again threatens the West. [via CTB]

[via Neatorama]
WTC Crash Videos: Gallery of videos
Chronology - Sept.11: From 8:46am to 10:28am.
911 Flythrough: Simulated view from the cockpit.
5 Years On
Al Qaeda releases 9/11 anniversary message: Al Qaeda's chief deputy, in a newly released video, again threatens the West. [via CTB]
[via Neatorama]
Saturday, 9 September 2006
of new numa
[via Grow A Brain]
New Numa: Gary Brolsma is back with a new music video called New Numa which is produced by Dan Balan, the producer for O-Zone's Dragostea din Tei.
There is also a New Numa contest

New Numa: Gary Brolsma is back with a new music video called New Numa which is produced by Dan Balan, the producer for O-Zone's Dragostea din Tei.
There is also a New Numa contest
of lonelygirl15
[via Voxefx]
Zephoria provides some thoughts about Lonelygirl15.
A note from the Creators of Lonelygirl15
Watch her videos
Other links:
- Mystery Fuels Huge Popularity of Web's Lonelygirl15
- Hey There, Lonelygirl

Zephoria provides some thoughts about Lonelygirl15.
A note from the Creators of Lonelygirl15
Watch her videos
Other links:
- Mystery Fuels Huge Popularity of Web's Lonelygirl15
- Hey There, Lonelygirl
Friday, 8 September 2006
of on the set of lost
[via A Whole Lotta Nothing]
On The Set Of Lost: These 2 guys got to see the props on the set of Lost.
Also see the follow-up post of filming the show at Manoa Valley, near Honolulu

On The Set Of Lost: These 2 guys got to see the props on the set of Lost.
Also see the follow-up post of filming the show at Manoa Valley, near Honolulu
Thursday, 7 September 2006
of the punking of paris hilton
[via Paris Hilton Fan Blog]
The Punking Of Paris Hilton: Prank by Banksy. With the help of Danger Mouse, they created 500 CDs containing a 40-minute remix. The 500 CDs were then replaced with Paris Hilton's album in 42 music stores.

The Punking Of Paris Hilton: Prank by Banksy. With the help of Danger Mouse, they created 500 CDs containing a 40-minute remix. The 500 CDs were then replaced with Paris Hilton's album in 42 music stores.
The mysterious graffiti commando and social satirist (who does not reveal his name or show his face in photographs) tampered with 500 copies of Hilton's album, altering its sleeve photos and text and replacing her CD with a 'remix.' Then he surreptitiously put them into circulation, slipping the discs onto shelves at 48 record stores across Britain where shoppers might purchase them, unaware they were part of the joke.Link to the video
of finger billiards
[via MOG]
Finger Billiards: Game. Use the grey balls to pot the coloured balls over the corresponding coloured squares.

Finger Billiards: Game. Use the grey balls to pot the coloured balls over the corresponding coloured squares.
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
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