Friday, 29 April 2005
of hand-foot-mouth disease
We noticed an ulcer on his lip on Tuesday but thought that it was because he had bitten his mouth the day before. Then yesterday morning, rashes appeared on his arms and legs. The doctor confirmed that it was HFMD. The school called and confirmed cases of HFMD among the kids. Now Lancerlad will have to stay home and Lancerlady will be taking care of him.
The first time Lancerlad got HFMD was when he was about 18 months old. It was a difficult experience for Lancerlady and me. During that time, Lancerlad couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and he kept crying. His cries were so loud that it could be heard by neighbours during the night and wee mornings. It made us embarassed and guilty of disturbing our neighbours that we brought him out for car rides whenever he couldn't stop crying. I remembered we drove out at 3am in the morning. Drove till he slept.
Lancerlad just asked for some cheese. Pity him, must be hungry. Lancerlady said that he has not eaten much the whole day. We just saw about 3 to 4 ulcers in his mouth. One moment he was laughing, the next moment he'll cry out loud. This few days, we'll let him be king of the house and give him what he wants. Have to entertain his request of "I want jelly" and give him anything that's cold including his milk.
We are a bit concerned that it'll spread to Lancerkid. He's just 10 months and he's definitely more difficult to handle compared to Lancerlad. Because Lancerkid is the loud and hyper-active version of Lancerlad! I think he'll cry and the whole of "Ang Sua" will hear. Pray pray Lancerkid will not get it.
Sigh...more sleepless nights ahead. Orh Bak Kak!
of stuff n such - 29.04.05
The Manual Input Sessions: Using hand gestures, finger movements, software, analog overhead projectors and digital computer video projectors to make art. See video. [via We Make Money Not Art]
Contact Juggling: Some videos to demonstrate juggling. [via MonkeyFilter]
Music Quiz: Try to name 270 music bands and artists. [via Observer Blog]
Flash Apps: WitNit has a list of interesting Flash applications.
Movie Trailers: Batman Begins, Serenity
Only cater outside nia. Inside cannot!
[Spotted by Rambling Alcoholic]
Thursday, 28 April 2005
of stuff n such - 28.04.05
Star Wars Collectors Archive: Si mi Star Wars sai also have.
Life Size X Wing Fighter at eBay: Only 8 of this out there. US$40,000.00 nia.
Miss Coffin Calender 2005: Girls and Coffins. NSFW. [via MetaFilter]
10x10: Searches the top 100 words from news sources. Each word is tagged with a photo.
Kin-Ball: A game using a HUGE ball. Watch how it is played here. [via MonkeyFilter]
No War Protest: If you want to protest, go all the way out. [via curbed]
Vote For The Worst: Vote for the worst American Idol. [via TV Squad]
Your Japanese Name Is...
Ren Shijo
What's your Japanese Name?
No Blogging! Sign [via Princess Gabriel]
Manly Shop [spotted by Elaine]
Wednesday, 27 April 2005
of stuff n such - 27.04.05
Star Wars: Spoofed video. NSFW. [via MonkeyFilter]
Manties: Panties made for men [via Spirit Fingers]
Mitsubishi Evolution Contest: If you've got an Ebo with a dress, send photos of it to enter the "Best Dressed Car" in the contest. 14th May's the date for the launch of Ebo IX. [via]
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
of the future of singapore movie industry
After Adrian from "a life uncommon" hosted a video in his post yesterday, I checked the URL that was hosting that video and it led me to a few more videos.
There are 2 more videos hosted at a life uncommon. Go take a look.
Adrian, thanks for hosting them.
of stuff n such - 26.04.05
What to do if your Creative Zen fails?: Shoot and Point like what Finicky Feline did.
Darth Vader Orange Commercial: Do not underestimate the power of the Orange side.
Henderson Equine Castration Instrument: 20MB video. Not for the faint-hearted. Gross! [via tian]
Busty Mousepads: Support or Obstruction? [via theory.isthereason]
Dude Falling: Flash movie. Techno music [via MetaFilter]
Nobody Here: I like the way this site is presented.
So drink coffee no need to wait? [via Trompe L'oeil]
Monday, 25 April 2005
of bruno bozzetto
Europe and Italy
Yes and No
More of his flash movies can be found here.
of good service medal
At the Mindef website, the caption for this medal says
How to check the value of medals given to National Service personnel? Take a look at this eBay auction.
For NSmen out there, this medal is stamp-chop-confirm will get one. So cannot blame the person (if you are the recipient of the medal) who put this medal up for auction.
At least I still have mine. It's somewhere in the house. But I don't know where I dumped it.
Do you know where you kept your medal?
Sunday, 24 April 2005
of stuff n such - 25.04.05
Hooters Air: The same great flight crews plus two Hooters Girls on every flight! [via MonkeyFilter]
Trendalicious: Shows website that are popular as reflected by the [via MonkeyFilter]
XBox 360 Logo: Logo. real or fake, I don't know [via xbox-scene]
Hokkien Star Wars: MP3. Heard this few times and it still makes me laugh. [via Shion and Ah 9]
Xiao Xiao: Flash. Kung Fu animation. [via buzzmoo]
Fed up with online dates? [taken by yAnn]
of climb up the ladder
Unfortunately in my company, I fall in the bottom category. After being hit by crysis, everything and everywhere has to cut cost. Fortunately my company has new projects flowing in. But due to those cost-cutting measures and little $$, my company has stopped hiring new staff. That means staff has different projects under his belt. This resulted in "overworked" situation. The amount of work each of us has is beyond our limits.
Yesterday, the Straits Times ran a report that showed the 10 best companies in Singapore to work for. The benefits are really good. But I wonder if their staff are taxed with too much work.
My company has tons of benefits that are equally good. Flex-hours, flexi points, insurance coverage, so on and so forth. But behind the scenes, the company is squeezing every cent that they pay us. So much so that we are working our bum-bums off.
But then fortunately, I still have a job. :)
Do you get all the crap at work?
of stuff n such - 24.04.05
A Door To Paradise: An online design contest by DesignBoom. Singapore has an entry submitted by Wong Kok Keong
Anagram Genius: Enter a word to find its anagram. Lancerlord = Collar nerd [via Abigael]
Guess the Google: Guessing game. [via MonkeyFilter]
Slick Dance Moves: Video showing guy dancing [via]
Crack Spackle: Farnie video. Putty to cover your butt crack. [via Milk and Cookies]
Star Wars Chocolate Mpire: M&M's chocolate Star Wars spoof. [via]
Miss Pole Idol UK: NSFW. Pole Dancing. Initially I thought it was Poland's American Idol. Watch this video segment from Oprah's show.
Bottle Opener Slippers [via Gizmodo]
Can wear to Mohd Sultan or Beer Garden
Saturday, 23 April 2005
of mufti's aids quarantine plan
And I thought Singapore was bad enough.
Mufti: Place AIDS patients on island
of my own safety, others don't care
of difference between malaysians and singaporeans
Malaysian: Knows his laws, disobeys them and that's fine
Singaporean: Knows his laws, disobeys them and gets fined"
of stuff n such - 23.04.05
Web of Letters: Enter anything and the letters for your word will be pulled from the web. [via Vanilla Bean]
Checked Baggage: Prohibited items on board the plane
Nappy Cakes: Cakes made from diapers.
Business Cards Etiquette: What not to do when exchanging business cards [via MetaFilter]
Grolsch Game: Fun game at the Dutch beer's website. Be a bartender.
Graffiti on Road Sign [via]
Friday, 22 April 2005
of infantile me
Are you Immature? brought to you by Quizilla
Link: Infantile Blogosphere by Singabloodypore
Wednesday, 20 April 2005
of tomorrow
I'll be Looking Forward To Tomorrow because Tomorrow Never Dies! Since There's Hope for Tomorrow, it will be A Better Tomorrow for all Bloggers in Singapore. It'll be our thing. With Tomorrow, there'll be betterdays ahead. You can start surfing and worshipping Tomorrow. Tomorrow begins today! So Let's Go!
of stuff n such - 21.04.05
Web of Letters: Enter anything and the letters for your word will be pulled from the web. [via Vanilla Bean]
DIY iPod sock puppet: Phillip Torrone shows what you can do with the iPod sock. [via AppleMatters]
The Oops List: Really oops.
Oops I Did It Again: The original version by LA. [via SarongPartyFrens]
The Spoof: Nice spoof site. Maciam talkingcock. [via Jade]
Automatic condom fitter on display: Allows condoms to be put on in chop-chop time.
Playboy on PSP: PlayboyStation Portable. Or PlayStation Pr0n. [via Agagooga]
The Diva Cup: Not a tampon. Not a pad. Don't ask me how I found this site.
MiniPutt: Golf game. [via PowerPuff]
Pillows? Cushions?
Read Zhiqiang's post to find out what they are
of hurra torpedo
Hurra Torpedo is a Norwegian band from Sweden (confused?) that uses kitchen appliances in their music. In the video clip, shot 10 years ago, you can see them bashing the appliances.
See video here. [via Simplebits and Another Word For Nerd]
Another video link at Milk and Cookies.
Appliances and Cracks Included
Tuesday, 19 April 2005
of ir and aiyah
Lancerlady mentioned that she wants to switch jobs to work at the
2 days ago, she asked me whether I supported or objected to the casino (yup, that's was what everyone was calling then) thingy. Aiyah, I said I wasn't sure. I am supportive of the job creation and boost in GDP aspect of having
So what now? Aiyah, we can only sit back and see how things work out. See how those Gambling Controls fall into place.
Aiyah, if the controls don't work out and casinos have to be removed, then will we can disintegrated resorts or loosely-coupled resorts?
Aiyah, hope we won't be getting a Families Against the Integrated ResortS Threat in Singapore petition.
What Others Are Blogging:
- High Stakes: by Idle Days
- Singpapore Implements a Tax on Stupidity: by Atypical Singaporean
- WTF is an IR?: by Mr Miyagi
- Hello, it's Integrated Resort, not Casino, ok?: by mr brown
- singapura-ku : no more fine city, but we deter sins with money: by aGentX
- Double Trouble? Or Double Happiness?: by Jayaxe
- Singapore Casinos Won't Cut Macau Gaming Revenue, Analysts Say (Bloomberg): via
- No Casino, Yes IR: by yAn
of cyblog names
A.C.I.D.F.L.A.S.K. - Artificial Cybernetic Individual Designed for Fighting/Lifeform Assembled for Sabotage and Killing
A.G.E.N.T.X. - Artificial General Exploration and Nocturnal Troubleshooting Xenomorph
A.H.N.I.N.E. - Artificial Humanoid Normally for Infiltration and Nocturnal Exploration
B.A.L.L.O.F.Y.A.R.N. - Biomechanical Artificial Lifeform Limited to Observation/Functional Ytterbium Android Responsible for Nullification
C.O.W.B.O.Y.C.A.L.E.B. - Construct Optimized for Worldwide Battle and Observation/Ytterbium Cybernetic Android Limited to Exploration and Battle
I.Z.R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D. - Intelligent Zealous Repair and Exploration Lifeform/Obedient Android Designed for Efficient Destruction
J.I.M.S.B.L.O.G. - Journeying Intelligent Machine Skilled in Battle/Lifeform Optimized for Gratification
J.U.I.C.Y.P.O.U.T. - Journeying Unit Intended for Calculation and Yelling/Person Optimized for Ultimate Troubleshooting
M.I.S.S.Y.C.L.A.R.I.S. - Machine Intended for Sabotage and Scientific Yelling/Cybernetic Lifelike Android Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage
M.R.B.R.O.W.N. - Mechanical Robotic Being Responsible for Observation and Worldwide Nullification
M.R.M.I.Y.A.G.I. - Mechanical Robotic Machine Intended for Yelling/Android Generated for Infiltration
S.A.N.G.S.A.R.A. - Synthetic Android Normally for Galactic Sabotage/Artificial Robotic Android
S.H.I.A.N.U.X. - Synthetic Hydraulic Individual Assembled for Nullification and Ultimate Xenocide
S.O.L.S.E.T.U.R. - Synthetic Obedient Lifeform Skilled in Exploration/Technician Used for Repair
W.O.N.K.Y.T.O.N.G. - Worker Optimized for Nocturnal Killing and Yelling/Technician Optimized for Nocturnal Gratification
Z.H.I.Y.A.N.G. - Zeta Hydraulic Individual Yearning for Assassination and Nocturnal Gratification
of stuff n such - 19.04.05
Security guard robots for school kids: The robots "scare" suspicious people by fast movements, light and smoke. See video. [via We Make Money Not Art]
Blue Orchid: MP3. Latest single from White Stripes. [via Boudist and You Aint No Picasso]
Rent My Son: Provides safe and trustworthy child-rental services in the States. [via Cowboy Caleb]
Corrine May: Singaporean singer based in the States. Video and sample songs from her latest album.
Flickr announces new limits, prices: More reasons to get pro! [via Brandon]
Robot Sex Doll: Aircraft mechanic Michael Harriman claims to have created the world's most sophisticated robot sex doll. [via We Make Money Not Art]
Swimming Pool Rulez [via Curbed]
Monday, 18 April 2005
of my kite got fly so high?
I stumbled upon his blog and found this photo in one of his old post (dated June 2004!).
Wait my aeroplane hit your kite ah!
Click on pic
In that post, he also described his first week in Singapore.
of stuff n such - 18.04.05
Draw A Pig: Draw a pig to find your personality. [via MrsBudak]
Wists: Nice visual bookmarking [via Om Malik]
Bla-Bla List: Tada list cloned [via Photo Matt]
- Singer Stephanie Sun on breast enhancement
Die Die Must Drink [via Gossipger's Photolog]
So that's what lancerlord stand for!
[via Monkey See Monkey Do]
Sunday, 17 April 2005
of blogs private limited?
"Should a blog be private?
CAN a blog be private?
I think what people need to realise is, blogs can never be private.
It goes against the very concept of a blog and the underlying technology that makes blog such a powerful tool of communication in today’s society.
The internet is not a private medium. If you wish to say anything that is not suitable for public consumption, hold that tongue.
After all, the bible tells us that our tongue can be a venomous snake (paraphased) and that we should rein it in."
The internet is a world wide spider web. Once you blog, you are pouring your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts, your life story for others to read. You'll be read but not be seen.
To make a blog private? I think some blogs(LiveJournal, I think) can make certain posts password-protected right? Yet again, like what Kelvin said, password protection may not be always fool-proof.
Updates: What others bloggers say
- Missing the bigger issue: by Atypical Singaporean
- Comments from Agagooga
- The storm over CZ breaks on print media: by From A Singapore Angle
- The power of blogdom: by AcidFlask
- An Open Letter to Chua Cheng Zhan: by Cowboy Caleb.
Updates 2:
Thoughts on anonymity and privacy: by From A Singapore Angle
More thoughts about the racist PSA asshat scholar: by Cowboy Caleb
of cows being dumped!
Due to the over population of cows, the authorities are concerned and they have create pockets of dumping ground across the island to control the herd. This they said will be only a temporary solution.
One of the temporary dumping grounds
Click on pic
Updates: The authorities have solved the problem. They are going to put the cows up for auction! [via The Whore with More]
of stuff n such - 17.04.05
The Story of Anakin Skywalker: Lego style. [via IZ]
Floating Logos Project: inspired by signs perched high atop very tall poles [via A Whole Lotta Nothing]
Nintendogs: Nintendo + dogs. [via MonkeyFilter]
Nine Inch Nails Single: In Garageband format. Download. [via Joi Ito]
Singlish Dictionary: Steady pom pi pi. Another useful dictionary. [via Daryl Sng]
Google's Da Vinci Birthday Logo [via Jim]
Toilet Signs [via Mandrake]
Saturday, 16 April 2005
of bridge blog index
It has a global index of bloggers.
Singapore has a section, you can add your blog into the wiki here.
of google and yahoo
Now Google has Google Video. Use the Uploader to upload videos.
On the other hand, Yahoo has released Yahoo! News Beta. Will it be competition for this?
Lately there has been a lot of G G Y Y. Google released this. Yahoo released that. There's definitely stiff competition between the two.
I personally feel that each one has its own strength. But it'll be good if we can have the best of both worlds. All-in-one. One that can pow ka leow like this one.
Friday, 15 April 2005
of the days i spam myself
Out of curiousity, I decided to do a little stress test to see if Gmail is really infinity.
I registered a Gmail account. Thanks to Hermit for his Gmail invite.
So for the past 2 days, I've been spamming my Gmail account. Continuosly sending out emails with a large attachment from my various email accounts to the Gmail account.
Below are the results.
Sending my 'spam' email from Y!Mail to Gmail
[Click on pic]
Y!Mail hitting its quota
[Click on pic]
GMail hitting its quota. 2085MB!
[Click on pic]
GMail quota
"You are currently using 2085MB (100%)"
[Click on pic]
of stuff n such - 15.04.05
of suck uk
SUCK UK produce furniture, lighting, interior products and accessories. All design is by Sam and Jude.
Britain's most talked about designers
Is it a key or is it a key?
Click on pic.
Notebook&Pencil. Where's the pencil?
Click on pic.
Thursday, 14 April 2005
of blogs blogs blogs
It's fun when there are blogs with a different twist. Lancerlord ma si hokkien lang.
It's fun when there are blogs like this and this by Lum (What an appropriate name!) [Blogs maybe NSFW for some people.]
It's also farnie to know the existence of bloggers like this [link via msfeline]
But it can get confusing when Mr Miyagi found another glob.
It's also confusing when Black is the new brown.
Even worse when Zhiyang is not Zhiyang and AgentX is not aGent-X.
And if it's not Today, then it should be Tomorrow.
Ah 9 mentioned that he has a 'sister blogsite'.
Update 2:
Now I know what's Tomorrow about. See here and here
of stuff n such - 14.04.05
GGG Gmail: Gmail, G-Unit style. You have 50 cents to spare? [via Monkey Methods]
Google Video Upload Program: Free hosting of video clips. [via Gizmodo]
Tire Tagz: Mount this gadget on the wheel of your car to create patterns. Click here for video. [via Jalopnik]
Eco-Porn: Project from Norway/Sweden to save the forest. NSFW. [via MonkeyFilter]
Treat Your Mother Right: Music video, starring Mr T. [via MonkeyFilter]
DDR + Juggling: Video. Fast legs, Fast hands [via MetaFilter]
The Red Piano: Featuring Elton John, now showing at Caesars Palace. Check out the videos. [via MetaFilter]
Person A: "Hey, do you like my transparent desktop? Ha
Person B: "It's not as fun as my x-ray spec desktop."
[via Adri]
Modified cars in Japan
Stamp! Chop! Confirm LTA not approve.
Click on photo for more pics
[via Jalopnik]
of baby names
There had been unusual names given to babies. But nothing will beat this.
" is at it again. This time they’ve won the right to name a Virginia woman’s triplets. Mother-to-be Natasha is pregnant with triplets who are due in August and apparently put the naming rights up for auction on eBay. used the “buy now” option to immediately buy the rights for $12,000. A spokesperson for the company one of the babies will be named “” The other two names will be revealed when the babies are born. Yikes."
Wednesday, 13 April 2005
of meatspace shuffle
This competition involves the construction of an iPod Shuffle using nothing but food.
of 55,000 at risk but no problem
But on the other hand, in today's Today frontpage news states "What gambling problem?"
So is having a ca-Sin-No here a problem or not? One paper says at risk, the other says what problem.
My colleague just told me that his brother goes to Macau for his "gambling" trips once every month. Now with the ca-Sin-No within driving distance, his brother could save the hassle of planning for his trips abroad and also save extra money spent on accomodation. So with the ca-Sin-No here, it'll be a cheaper alternative.
But what other implications will there be? More frequent trips to the ca-Sin-No?
Check out caSinNocity for updates on this issue. Thanks to Alex Huang
There are some feedbacks at the Feedback Unit on the topic of "Social Safeguards for Integrated Resort with CaSinNo Gaming"
- Jumping on bandwagons is hard to do: by Wannabe Lawyer
- the HOT acroynm now: by aGentX
of star wars and naruto videos
Naruto + Matrix = Narutrix [via Joi Ito]
Mirror Site
of ipodified
of project femdefence
Cheem design of the design.
Watch the TV Commercial
[via Gizmodo]
of contagious media showdown
Read rules here
Must sign up before April 30th. Sign Up here.