The SlutWalk Singapore event has strong support from celebrities and bloggers, like Cherie Lee, Fei Wong and Stephanie Carrington.

The TNP Headlines. For Sluts We'll Strut

What is Slutty?

Singapore will be holding its SlutWalk on Dec 4, 2011, at Hong Lim Park. There will be fringe events like SlutRide, SlutScreen and SlutTalk, starting from Nov 12, leading to the SlutWalk main event. More details can be found on the SlutWalk SG Facebook page created by social worker and part-time lecturer, Miss Vanessa Ho.

SlutWalk first started in Toronto Canada after Const. Michael Sanguinetti from the Toronto Police remarked at a University safety forum that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized". Elsewhere around the world, SlutWalks were also held to protest against sexual violence.
You can read SlutWalk Singapore’s manifesto at AWARE.
Watch Slut Tease (SlutWalk Singapore Teaser)
SlutWalk Singapore Twitter
SlutWalk Singapore Website
SlutWalk Singapore x Kuala Lumpur Facebook
- SlutWalk: Noble but misguided by Benjamin Cheah
- A critique of SlutWalk Singapore? Try again. by Desirée Lim
The Toronto Incident:
In Feb 2011, Const. Michael Sanguinetti, from the Toronto Police, commented in front of students and staff at the Osgoode Hall Law School that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized". He later apologized.

SlutWalk Toronto
- Don’t dress like a slut: Toronto cop
- The origins of SlutWalk Toronto
- Cop apologizes for ‘sluts' remark at law school
- SlutWalk Toronto takes its message to the street
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