I've a colleague who is in need urgent blood and platelet transfusion. He is AB Blood group, so he can take in O, A, B and AB blood.
Please proceed to:
Blood Services Group, Health Sciences Authority,
11 Outram Road (within SGH grounds), Opposite Outram MRT station.
Kindly indicate his name “Tan Boon Chong (S7011332E)” and inform the nurses that he urgently needs blood and platelet transfusion. And to make sure you are donating for him. Please help!!!!
大家还记得陈文聪? 他曾经是一位艺人。他得了血癌, 需要大量的血液。请大家帮帮忙。希望你们可以伸出援手,到Blood Service Group 的Health Sciences Authority (11 Outram Road), 并注明是给「Tan Boon Chong S7011332E」,他的血型是AB型,所以任何血型的人都可以帮助到他! 谢谢你们的爱心!谢谢!

金牌监制陈文聪患急性血癌 艺人纷捐血救人
Former celeb stricken with cancer
HSA Blood Services. Can I Donate?
[via HWZ]
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