The 22-year-old actor of "I Not Stupid" fame had posted on his Facebook page, "When you physically and verbally abuse a woman, it doesn't show very much of a person. CEO? Tsk!". The message was supposedly made in reference to the CEO of Citispa, Gerald Teo.Joshua has also posted several messages on his Facebook page.
Joshua told Lianhe Wanbao about what happened that resulted in his comment.
On Monday evening, Joshua had paid a visit to the home of his girlfriend's elder sister, located at Holland Road. Just as he was stepping in, he was loudly scolded by the sister's husband. The man is none other than Gerald Teo. According to Joshua, Teo began to accuse him of illegal trespass and policemen were already present at the scene.
Joshua was filled with bewilderment at the sudden turn of events.
"My girlfriend's sister had given us permission to visit, but her husband started to scold me instead. I backed off and he continued to accuse me of harassing him," Joshua said.
Joshua added that Teo then began to accuse him of possessing drugs and asked the policemen for the number to the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) to report on Joshua.
CEO of Citispa Gerald Teo says he's gonna call CNB because I'm smuggling drugs? WTFHWZ has also reported that Citispa was formerly Meng Har (Ming Xia).
CEO of Citispa wanna sue me for trespassing into his house? What a big fat joke. Pun intended
CEO of Citispa Gerald Teo wanna sue me for harassment when I'm standing on the public road diagonally across his house? Huh?
CEO of Citispa Gerald Teo shouted at me and asked if I had a problem when I was shakin my head in disdain at him. In front of e police!
When you physically and verbally abuse a woman, it doesn't show very much of a person. CEO? Tsk!
Big fat obnoxious people amuse me. Especially when they act like giant dictators. And when they think my tweets are offensive. Lol!
Its funny when you add a 'tator' to the end of 'dic' and you get a perfectly nice word.

Joshua Ang

[via asiaone]
See the Lian He Wan Bao story below.
面簿留言惹祸 Citispa老板要告洪赐健诽谤
洪赐健被指在面簿上发表言语,指他“对女人出言羞辱及动粗,简直不是人”,著名Spa老板请律师告洪赐健诽谤!Click here to read more at Lian He Wan Bao 联合晚报.
本地演员洪赐健惹上官司,原来在本周一带女友上女友姐姐位于荷兰路的家,和姐夫发生争执,惊动警方。而洪赐健女友的姐夫,原来就是本地Citispa公司的老板张美荣(Gerald Teo)。
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