Newly acquired Delmon Young just went yard against his former team in his first at bat as a Tiger.
Now granted he probably took BP off this dude this morning before he had to move from one clubhouse to the other. But I see you big fella...
7:59 PM - MdotNetz: "This grown man is dressed as the after effects of a bestiality session between Magglio and Winnie the Pooh. Except this guy has way less teeth."
8:07 PM - Biggy Bagel wins the Dunkin Donut race
8:39 PM
I see you Avila...
8:46 PM
I SEE YOU AVILA!!! Avila hits a triple and is a homer shy of the cycle....
8:49 PM - Chick vomits in her lap. Great start to the week, sweetheart.
8:58 PM - The wave picks up steam. Did it really take an hour and 58 minutes for the women and children to get bored?
9:12 PM - MdotNetz: I realize the guy dressed up as Tigger from earlier may have down syndrome. It's a 95% chance. I shake my head in disgust with myself.
9:14 PM - Rayburn goes yardsale. 25 cent coney dogs at the A&W in Clawson tomorrow. Followed immediately by a trip to Black Lotus Brewery. I know how my Tuesday is gonna play out.
9:42 PM -MdotNetz: Rally Cap time! The 16 year old in front of me follows suit. I'm so trendy.
10:15 PM - MdotNetz: 0-8 for the games that we've attended in 2011. 8-0 on not catching a stray bullet. #breakingeven.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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