Sunday 13 March 2011

The Negative Effects of Traffic Signs.

I was driving to pick up a Burrazo at one of Metro Detroit’s greatest restaurants, Mexican Village, when an internal conversation I recently had with myself popped back into my head.

You see, like most people, I spend many hours in my car traveling to places I hope will bring me enjoyment.

Whether I am driving to a bar, a bookstore or Ms. Wok’s Happy Ending Massage Parlor I am just trying to make the most of my free time. And if you check my credit card statements you will see I am doing a fine job with the balance of work and play leaning towards the latter as 90% of my destination serve alcohol.

However, just recently I noticed something that has ruined the enjoyment I received from driving.

Why the hell are traffic signs so rude and degrading?

How dumb do traffic sign makers think I must be where I need a STOP sign to help me make a safe right turn onto a main street. I learned all that stuff in Kindergarten where my teacher thought me in a fun and positive way.

So I started thinking: Does the authoritative tone in which traffic signs tell people what to do have any effect on the mind/attitude of society? I made the video below while on my way to pick up dinner to try and give a visual example of what I am talking about in this blog post.

I understand the role traffic signs play in keeping traffic organized and drivers safe but doesn’t seeing such assertive words like STOP, LIMIT, NO TURN, and ONE WAY, every time you are in your car make for a more subservient individual?

True happiness can’t be achieved when you rely on someone, or in this case something, to tell you what to do. I mean the sense of liberation you feel while speeding down a country road where there are no signs telling you what to do proves that traffic signs bring a brother down.

All in all, I just wish the signs I see on a daily basis would bring me as much joy as the OPEN sign hanging outside of Ms. Wok’s Pallor.

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