Monday 7 March 2011


Good evening, ladies and bros. I just wanted to thank everyone for their support thus far. The site is popping off. A little over 1,500 views in less than 6 weeks isn't too shabby. There's just something about the Coalition's style that you beautiful fools can't get enough of.

I urge you guys to comment and provide any feedback that can make the site better. A few weeks back I posted one shitting on all the hater comments, and now I kinda miss them. I didn't think my eloquence had the power to shut people up. I guess I just don't know my own strength(I've been doing finger exercises).

You can let us know what you wanna see, what you like, what you hate, etc. by commenting, subscribing to the blog, following us on Twitter, joining our Facebook fan page, or emailing to

Hate it or love it, tell us what you think. It's your blog, we're just writing in it. 

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