A few weeks before my trip to Chicago I went to watch my buddy’s band, Future Genies, perform at the Magic Stick in Detroit. We arrived an hour early and the whole place was packed full of kids having beers, bullshitting, and singing karaoke surprising well. As I pounded one $2.50 Budweiser, one after another scanning the room and being blown away at all the different ways someone can style a mustache I thought, wow this is a great time.
The fun I had that night came pouring back into my mind when I was in Chicago, Saturday dancing to a 50 year-old man dressed in sequence who thought he was in 80’s rock band. However, it was the differences between those two tonights that made me realize hipsters are the force that is propelling Detroit into a future of reasonably priced drinks, interestingly dressed women and great fucking coney dogs.

This means the only thing a business needs to do to succeed in Detroit is model their business to those 3 facts, which will create one cool ass place for a night of heavy drinking, dancing and opening your mind to new experiences.
I consider myself to be a realist and if it took one experience to Detroit for me to get excitied for this city’s future then I am going to take that as a great sign. So if your looking for a wild night, just know what you don’t need to travel all the way to Chicago.
All that needs to get done is to throw on a fannel shirt, put on a pair neon colored Ray Bands and get yourself a 12 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon and head to the “D.” Listen to the music, talk with the people, and embrace the change because hipsters are committed to Detroit and that is exactly what the city needs, People with faith.
Check out the video below to get an idea of what Detroit's future holds by the people who are there shaping it.
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