Tuesday, 3 June 2008

of most expensive nsfw anime sculpture ever

Most expensive load ever - Murakami sells sculpture for $15 million: A sculpture by Murakami that was auctioned off at $15million. The sculpture is NSFW. The photo below shows the top half of the sculpture. You can see the full NSFW sculpture here.

most expensive load
You may remember Murakami's sculpture "The Lonesome Cowboy" from way back when our own Jonathan Holmes wrote about it in his feature on Murakami's exhibit at Los Angeles MOCA. It is, after all, the kind of work you don't easily forget: a spiky haired blond anime-styled boy tosses a generous ejaculate from his erect penis, wearing an expression of almost demonic glee. It's show stopping, for sure, but do you want it in your house?

Someone did, apparently, because the sculpture sold for $15 million in a recent Sotheby's auction. The winning bid was submitted by phone, which is not too much of a surprise, as I can only imagine any guy that volunteered fifteen mil to buy this would get some serious stares (although if it was a woman, that would have rocked the house ten times harder.) Hit the jump if you want to see the full statue, although I warn you, it doesn't get much NSFW than this.
[via CodeWolf]

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